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"I'm sorry." She said to him as she pulled away a few minutes later. It was the first time she had cried since she was 15. She promised herself that it would never happen again but she had just broken that promise that day.

He starred at her with a look of bewilderment. He didn't know about her promise and he didn't know her story but he knew there was something there. "You don't ever have to be sorry." He told her as the softest of smiled laced up his mouth.

She looked at him with happiness and disbelief. "Come on" She said as she grabbed his arm and got up from the couch.

"Um what's going on??" Chan asked as the girl started dragging him out the baby blue door. A wide grin made its way onto the girl's face. "We are going upstairs."

This made a shiver run up Chan's spine. "I thought that we agreed that I would be dead in an hour." He said holding up his phone which displayed the time.

"How about I take all the heat and you don't have to be dead." She told him as she clarified what she was doing.

"Why would you do that?" He asked her. Chan was to confused as to why she was doing this. "You did something for me... now I'm paying you back." She told him as they walked up the stairs.

"I was there for you. You don't have to pay me back for that." He told her as the opened the doors to the hallway. That is when he heard the faintest of sniffles. Luna turned around and looked like she was already tearing up again. She smiled at him as they walked up to the dorm door. "But I want to."

Luna took out her key and unlocked the door. The pair quietly walked in which looked more like Luna dragging a terrified Chan in. "Hey guys." She said as she looked on to the large group in the living room. They seemed to have calmed down by this point which was a good sign. Luna tried to act as casually as possible.

"Oh... You guys are back." Minho casually said as everyone looked at the two who were standing. They didn't know what to expect from the hectic group however, the silence was more brutal then any long winded lecture.

"I think we are in the clear." Chan said as he whispered to Luna.

"Luna why are your eyes red?" Athena asked as she started to notice.

"They are?" Luna asked playing dumb. She couldn't think of a solid lie on the fly. "I had no idea."

"Were" Jackson asked catching on.

"You." Bambam said as he squinted his eyes from his seat.

"Crying?" Youngjae asked as he sounded both bewildered and dejected.

Luna looked at the ground. She knew that there was no reason to feel ashamed or weak. The people she was around didn't find crying as a sign of weakness like the people of her past but she still felt weak.

Luna couldn't pry her eyes off the floor. She had felt like she had been looking down for hours that were truly mere minutes. Maybe she should actually face this problem? Maybe she should fill them in? Would it only be a burden? Was she a burden?

Before all these questions could manifest into something much worse. She felt an arm on her shoulder. "Hey it's ok." He told her. Luna squeezed her eyes shut, she felt like a kid trying not to cry over the small scrap she got on the play ground.

"Look at me." His voice was gentle yet she could clearly hear it above any other sound. Her eyes opened. This one slip up in 8 years lead to every doubt and every bad emotion that she ignored and ran away from.

"You are ok." He was confident in that statement. She couldn't put back on the brave smile that she wore. She faced everything on her own, but now she was falling down into the unknown.

"I'm here for you. I'm serious."

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Everyone who had disappeared in their little moment became very evident now.

"And there goes that." Chan said as turned to look at the crazy people in the living room. He took his hand off Luna's shoulder. She took a breathe.

"Luna!!!" Athena practically yelled as she proceeded to wrap her arms around her best friend. Luna smiled as she rest her chin on her friend's shoulder. They stayed that way for a little before the younger poked her head up. "I know that it wasn't for the rest of you life but 8 years is still pretty damn long."

Luna chuckled at her. "Thank you A. You always know what to say to make me feel better." Athena stepped away and the two walked towards the larger group. The guys were joking around with Chan.

"Look at you! You and Luna are basically coming for Jackson and Athena's brand!" Felix said jokingly.

"And that brand would be?" Chan asked with a wide smile. His little adventure was fun but he really missed the boys.

"The cute couple brand. Duh." Jeogin clarified as the leader blushed. Jackson on the other hand felt like he just had to defend his title. "Excuse you! Athena and I very cute for your information." He said making Athena chuckle.

"He is mainly talking about Athena." Felix added while throwing a wink her way. She knew he was kidding around and laughed accordingly.

"Watch it Assuie." Jackson said I a deadly serious tone. This sent a shiver up Felix's spine. Jackson was a very happy go luckily person, until taking Athena away from him was the topic. "Yes sir." He responded with a dorky salute.

"You should take your own advice." Changbin replied as he put an arm around Felix. "Sleep with one eye open Hong Kong." Then he turned towards Felix and sent him the sweetest smile. "I got your back Lix."

"Aww, lots of people are coming for brands today." Mark said as he smiled brightly.

"Yeah, but I cant help but wonder" Youngjae stared as he turned towards Luna and Athena. "What did you guys mean by eight years?"

"Oh that..." Athena said trying to think of something to say. It wasn't exactly her place. "That was the first time I cried in eight years." Luna said bluntly. Athena smiled at her proudly however everyone else was rather shocked, especially Chan.

"Wait does that mean..." Chan spoke as he started to piece it together. "I was the first person to make you cry in eight years?!" He was shocked.

That's when they heard knuckles cracking in the background. "You did what?". Chan slowly turned around to see Got7 behind him. The kid was petrified.


"rUn! RUN!"

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