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>Crackless Crackheads<

Seungmin🌼: Someone. Get. Me. Off. This. Plane.

Bambam😱: It's finally time to jump out of this mofo 😤✊

Felix⚽️: YES

Woojin🍗: NO

Jinyoung👑: "take care of them" they said. "It will be easy" they said

Jeongin🔆: I'm bored out of my FLIPPING MIND

Mark🖍: Both aggressive and wholesome at the same time. Well done 👏👏

Youngjae☀️: Yes! I give it the sunshine sticker of approval ☀️

Jackson☕️: 🥺

Changbin🐻: uhhhhhh

Athena🌺: Yeah he's crying

Jackson☕️: It's *sniffle* so *sniffle* beautiful

Yugyeom🍄: I hope you're ready to get married to that ^ Athena

Athena🌺: Yeahhhh... He's a mess but he's my mess

Jackson☕️: It will reflect at the wedding

Jaebum🎱: It reflects pretty clearly now

Jisung🐿: I thought that the wedding was canceled? Because Luna was planning it and well... you know

Mark🖍: ...

Felix⚽️: ...

Jackson☕️: oh shit

Athena🌺: oh shit

Youngjae☀️: Omggg le sequel, le sequel!

Minho✨: anddd this is what happens when Jisung says something smart

Seungmin🌼: Lucky for us, that is a rare occurrence

Jisung🐿: Hey!

Jeongin🔆: Poking fun at Jisung is always fun but I'm still bored out of my mind

Hyunjin💘: oh come on, your still bored with all this?

Hyunjin💘: Bambam is ready and willing to jump out of a moving plane, Jinyoung is rethinking his life decisions, Jackson is crying over a sunshine emoji, the wedding is in jeopardy, and Jisung said something actually smart. What else could possibly happen?

BangChan🐨: um, hey

Woojin🍗: I-

Jeongin🔆: ohhhhh

Mark🖍: That I did not see coming

Jackson☕️: ThEy hAvE bEEn iN thIs gRoup ChaT thE WhOle TimE??

BangChan🐨: yeah, I actually have a question to ask

Hyunjin💘: I'm surprised Bambam hasn't said anything

Yugyeom🍄: oh he's typing


Jeabum🎱: ...

Felix⚽️: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Bambam😱: Chris, what's your question?

Minho✨: (It's a trap. Don't fall for it.)

Seugmin🌼: (I'd say run but this is over text so)

Minho✨: (No Seungmin, your first instinct is right. Chan, throw your phone into the nearest lake and run away from that as fast as you can!)

BangChan🐨: Sooo it looks like I haven't missed much

Woojin🍗: not really

Youngjae☀️: Chan, your question?

BangChan🐨: Right. I wanted to know if any of knew anything about Luna's brother? Specifically how to get on his good side?

Jinyoung👑: Luna has never mentioned anything about her family to us.

Mark🖍: ^

Youngjae☀️: Athena?

Jackson☕️: And she's panicking

Athena🌺: LUNA HAS A BROTHER???!?

Seungmin🌼: dun, dun, DUN!

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