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>Crackles Cracheads<

Felix⚽️: Felt that ^

Jackson☕️: One of my biggest flexes

Mark🖍: Bitch yesterday you said that it was your muscles

Athena🌺: yrjfjdjdnwhag

Minho✨: Athena you good there??

Athena🌺: Necesito agua bendita

Yugyeom🍄: good going mark you broke her

Mark🖍: No one asked you, you tall ass mushroom

Yugyeom🍄: ExCuSe Me bUt YoU ArE AlSo TalL DuMbAsS

Jackson☕️: DOnT DiRespEct My Best mAn, maN

Yugyeom🍄: Fight me

Jaebum🎱: oh no

Jackson☕️: I'll snatch your knee caps sonny

Jinyoung👑: Athena is still talking nonsense

Jeongin🔆: It's called Spanish...

Hyunjin💘: Do not correct him! Back tf up dolphin boy

Yugyeom🍄: bEt JAcksoN



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