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"Luna is that you?" Youngjae's voice called as she heard conversations going on in the living room.

Luna didn't get up. She stayed attached to the front door not daring to venture any further, however, she realized that if she didn't answer, someone would walk over, ask her what happened, and start a whole ordeal that she didn't need.

"Um yeah." She responded in a rather exasperated and tried tone.

"Are you ok? " Luna heard Jinyoung's voice from the living room as the side conversations stopped. "You sound tired."

"Took the stairs. Out of shape. Need a second." Luna replied as she took deep breathes to make it seem more realistic. The girl was a good liar, it wasn't her best quality and usually she would use that to her advantage. However, this time she didn't have to lie, technically, what she said was true.

Luna breathes in one more time before she forces herself to stand up and detach from the door. She makes sure to take in steady breathes, confident steps, and present a warm smile.

"Hey guys. When did you all get back?" Luna asked as she walked around the corridor corner and into the living room.

Everyone looked up at her for a second before looking back at what they were doing. It was pretty normal until a second later they turned back at her with a shocked expression on their faces.

She looked back at them with slight worry on her face. "Is everything alright?" Luna asked as for the first time since she had met Got7 they were silent.

"Luna..." Youngjae spoke up hesitantly as he turned off the tv and sat up and faced her.

"Yes Youngjae?" Luna asked slowly, and with wide eyes as thought she was talking in someone who could not understand the language she was talking in.

Youngjae opened his mouth and was about to say something. The words were on the tip off his tounge but they just could not seem to come out. Youngjae closed mouth and looked down at the carpet.

To Luna's dismay, he looked disappointed. He was disappointed in her; it seemed that way at least. She could not understand why.

Did they already know?

No that's impossible.

Chan could have told them.

I seriously doubt it.

Chan could have told Straykids who told Got7

I see that as a possibility.

"You have a hickey on your neck."

"No that's definitely not it- wAiT WhAt?!?" Luna face turned into an expression of complete shock.

"You have a hickey on your neck" Jinyoung repeated as he kept peeling the potato in his hand.

About then was when everyone snapped out of their own surprised daze and started to freak out too.






"AH TOO MANY QUESTIONS!" Luna yelled in order to get over the loud voices.

"Hey Luna you forgot this." Chris said as he had entered the dorm a seconds ago. He held a the dark blue blanket that Luna had brought to the Blue Room a few hours ago.


Luna's head whipped back at Chris with the wide eyes of fear.


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