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I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

I can't do this anymore. You should go.

"Are you ok Mr. Chris?" The old man driving said as he looked at the boy through the rear view mirror.

"Don't worry about me, Freddy." He kindly replied as the girl's words replayed through his head what seemed a million times.

The text she sent was probably to Freddy or Rory of both. She was telling them to come get him so that he could go home.

A small sigh escaped the boy's lips as he looked out the window.

He knew that he had to go home eventually. After all, he missed his job, his bed, and most importantly his boys but he never wanted to come back like this.

He wondered what happened to her in that room. He wondered what her father said to her. Most of all, he wondered why she told him to leave.

"I could have been there for you." He whispered to himself as he remembered the words she told him only hours ago.

You gave me courage.

I can face whoever that is as long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

long as you're here

"Mr. Chris?" Freddy spoke once again. The boy noticed that the car was parked and that they were outside the airport.

"Oh, thank you Freddy." Chris replied before getting up. The boy walked to the back of the car and grabbed his luggage.

As he started walking towards the automatic doors, he saw the passenger seat window roll down from the corner of his eye. "Mr. Chris." The old man said making the boy stop in his tracks. "It's ok to be selfish." That was all the man said before driving off.

Chan stood there frozen in his spot.

It wasn't any revelation that he didn't know about. He was humans after all, it was part of his nature. However, after so long of taking care of everyone else the phrase seemed foreign to him.

"I don't want to be selfish... I don't even know what I want." He whispered to himself turning towards the automatic door as he started making his way inside the airport.

He checked his watch as he walked through the cold yet calm airport. "Looks like I have two hours before my flight." He replied before getting lost in his own thoughts again. He remembered what the girl told him the first day they found each other.

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