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"RUN" Luna yelled as she sprinted towards Chris, and grabbed his arm in futile attempt to escape their impending doom.

The two didn't get far seeing as JB had stealthily snuck behind them moments before and slammed the door shut before they could make a break for it.

the sound of laughter broke the dramatic silence "Oh you're so dead." Yugyeom replied laughing in the corner, as he sat on the living room sofa.

Bambam's brain had been processing the bulk of shocking information he had just learned, there was at least an ounce of him saying "Ok, but hold up this is Chan now." and at that moment his thoughts were interrupted as he looked back at Luna and that damn hickey. "...yeah ok no this is it. Sorry, Chan...not really."

Bambam started to lunge towards him and Chan could confidently say that he saw his life flash before his eyes. "THIS IS YOUR DOOM, CRISPY BAGEL" The Thai boy yelled.

"W A I T W A I T W A I T W A I T W A I T," Chan said before he replaced the roasted chicken for tonight's dinner. His friend thankfully stopped however, looked like steam was about to come out of his ears.

Chan had seen this coming. He had seen it coming from a 100,000 mile radius. He didn't know exactly how, but he knew Bambam would flip out the most.

If there was anything that their friendship taught Chris was that Bambam wasn't shaken by many things. However, when Bambam was shook, BAMBAM WAS SHOOK.

"I. AM. INEVITABLE!!!!!!" Bam Bam yelled as though it were the battle cry of a soldier before war.

"Yeah, yeah, gimme a sec will ya, Bamnos? Lemme just get prepared ok? YEESH. If I'm gonna be thrown into non existences I might as well go out fighting." Everyone but Bambam wore the most confused expressions you would ever see in your life. The group had never seen someone who was about to be beat to a pulp be so calm before the fight had begun. It was almost unnerving how nonchalant Chan was about it.

On the outside at least.

"Lemme put on my Nike's first." Chan had put them in the corner of the dorm. Somehow no one had noticed. He pointed them out. Everyone was confused at his preparedness and sense of acceptance of his inescapable doom. He placed a hand in the wall for support as he put them on.

Luna was pretty impressed at this moment. She knew what he was doing and the fact that he thought this all out beforehand really dazzled her.

After that thought, the girl quickly realized that the shoes were on and it was really the end this time.

"Ok ready" Chris replied as he stood back up to his full height. He his expression was blank.

Without hesitation Bambam charged.

"ATHENA SHOULD I WEAR A DRESS OR SUIT TO YOUR WEDDING?!" Felix asked as the door swung open.

Everyone stopped and Chan looked at Felix. Glorious light shined behind him as the sound of a choir filled in any other sound.

As everyone was dazed out by the pure absurdity of the situation. Chan gently grabbed Luna's hand and her pulled towards the exit.

"Now we RUN!"

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