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The two breathed heavily as the made a mad dash for the exit of the building. The foot steps that they heard only moments ago seemed to fade with there louder heart beats filling the air.

They ran straight for the glass double doors with their arms extended. The doors were pushed open and the two were out.

They kept running knowing full and well that they were not out of trouble just yet. "Wow we would have been royally fucked if those were pull doors." Luna commented as they kept sprinting towards god knows where.

"I guess luck is on our side."

"Hell yeah!!"

"Hell yeah."

The two yelled like mad men as the dashed down the various streets and alleyways in Seoul.

After practically running the scariest marathon known to man, the pair stopped to take a breather.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes at least ten times in the last ten minutes." Chan said as he breathed in and out. Luna in the other hand had her hands on her knees as she practically gasped for air. "I know that they our friends and family but I really thought we were going to die!!"

"I have never seen Bambam that angry in my life." Chan admitted as he crouched down to look at Luna who felt like she was going to cough up a lunge.

"Me neither. I don't want to think about going back to the dorm any time soon." Luna confessed as she stood up to her full height. Chris stood up with her and started to look around. His gaze stopped when he noticed a coffee shop across the street. He instinctively took Luna's hand and said "Let's have a cup of coffee and not think about our problems."

"Sounds like a plan... we can live in our own world." Luna sheepishly said which made Chan look back at her with a surprised expression.

"You remember that? That's so embarrassing." He told her as looked back in front in order to safely cross the street.

"Yeah I do and it was not embarrassing." Luna replied as they made it to the other side of the road. "It was cute."

The two went inside and ordered their drinks. Chan got an iced green tea while Luna stuck to her tried and true large cup of black coffee.

When they got their drinks, they found a cozy nook in the back corner of the cafe which faces away from an windows, just in case they were still being hunted.

"This is nice." Luna hummed as she moved her face closer to the steam that was leaving her piping hot cup of liquid gold.

"Yeah it is." Chris replied as he looked at her bliss. "I wish things could just stay like this."

"Like what?" The girl asked as she looked at him. He had worry written all over.

"Just you and me... our own little world." He told her as he thought to how amazing that would be.

"Well we can always sneak away." She told him as she thought to the different times they had found sanctuary in the blue room.

"I don't want to sneak away anymore." He told her truthfully as he got up from his side of the booth and sat down next to her.

"Then what?" She asked him. Her mind was rushing to all possibilities. What if "this" is official, what if "this" is official to their friends and family, what if "this" goes official publicly.

What even is THIS.

"JYP have all of his artists two weeks off for god knows what reason." Chan told her which in return made the girl laugh at his dramatics. "I don't want to sneak away anymore..." He said and that was when the girl finally caught on.

"Then let's run away." The girl told him as the two wore the brightest of smiles.

Luna pulled out her cell phone. "What are you doing" Chan asked her curiously as she started to dial a number.

"grabbing us the next flight to our World."

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