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Luna was running down the streets with her had intertwined with Chan's. They had just gotten out of the taxi that had taken them to the airport.

What seemed strange to Chan was that they were at the back of the airport. Away from an building much less airline booth. They were running into the middle of an empty runway.

"Is your plan for us to get crushed by an aircraft!?" Chan yelled over the loud rumble of a landing plane.

Luna could barley hear him however, when she did, she turned around. "Maybe we can save that one for another day." She said before continuing to run, with him in tow.

"That's not what I meant!" He yelled over the even louder roar of the aircraft before it landed about 30 feet in front of them.

It was a medium sized airplane. It was a little smaller than a commercial aircraft however bigger than any common luxury planes. The plane was all white except for the golden "C" that decorated its tail wing. Inside the of letter was a golden star too.

The pair was about 10 feet away from the aircraft when the side door swung open to revel a man in a captains uniform.  "MS. LUNA!!" Yelled the man with a wide smile as he waved at the pair.

"RORY!!" Luna yelled too as she let go of Chan's hand and ran up to the man. She gave him a big hug while a smiled was plastered on her face.

Chan looked at the two as he starred at the red head with green eyes that had his hands all over Luna.

If asked, Chan would deny being the jealous type. In fact, he found it weird to be jealous of small things like having friends of a specific gender. However, in that moment, seeing Luna in another guy's arms made his blood boil.

"1) Rory, cut the "Ms." bullshit you are practically my older brother. 2) Chris can you at least try not look like you are about to kill." Luna asked with a playful smirk that laced her lips as she walked over to the fuming Australian.

"This is me trying." He replied as he took another glance at Rory who gave him an awkward wave. "I don't like him." Chan whispered to Luna who was very amused at the situation.

"Rory, how are Lily and the kids by the way?" Luna asked without breaking eye contact with Chan.

"Oh they are great!" He replied with an extra pep in his step.

"Ok I don't like him a little bit less." Chan replied as Luna grabbed his hand and they started to walk up the steps to the aircraft.
Rory walked into the cockpit and sat next to the copilot on his way in.

When Luna and Chan entered the plane, they saw a giant flat screen tv that was placed on the  far wall of the full bar. Across from the bar was two comfortable and stylish couches on either side of a black coffee table lavished with various magazines.

"This plane even has a bartender??!" Chan asked as he saw someone's head pop up from the counter top.

"Oh yeah that's Tito." Luna simply said as she took a seat on the couch. Everything was hitting her at once. It was a lot to take in but the smile on his face made it worth it. Plus, she wouldn't have to see everyone, which was a very good plus.

"Who?! Where?! When?!" Chan asked as he started to pace around the girl as he was about to loose it.

"Tito, two of your strongest." Luna said and the man gave her a nod. She then stood up and walked up to the panicked male. She placed her hands on the sides of his face. "Who? Although I am Luna, my last name has followed me everywhere and it's time I stop taking that for granted. Where? Rome, Italy. When? Now." Tito handed the two their drinks and they both sat down.

"Oh my god. I have text the boys!!" He said as he pulled out his cell phone. "Aren't you going to text Athena and Got7?" He asked as Luna just sat and sipped on whatever drink she was drinking.

"I'll tell them when we land." She said as she looked around the plane. It was all real. This was happening. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe she wasn't ready.

"Hey." Chan said as he put down his phone and grabbed the worried girl's hand. "You and me, remember?"

"I'd never forget." She replied as a reassured expression replaced her worried one.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are in for a long flight so please buckle up and get ready for take off!"

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