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The loud noise of the mug shattering on the tile floor was all Luna heard before she felt his lips on hers. Her back was against the door when she felt his arms snake around her waist.

His kiss was rough and hungry. It took her by surprise, but the more surprising thing was that hers was too.

She slung her arms around his neck. Luna felt his grip on her tighten as their bodies moved closer then they had before.

They had this primal need for each other.

He moved down from her lips to the soft skin of her neck. She instinctively tilted her head. Her eyes fluttered close and the feeling of him overtook her senses.

Even though she knew it was wrong, her pounding heart, heavy breathes, and heated cheeks begged to differ. "I-" She tried to speak but she could barley think with him on her.

He moved his hands to rest on her hips leaving her back against the hard door. His kisses moved up from her neck, to her jawline, cheeks, and before he made it to her mouth, he said the word "Jump."

Luna jumped and wrapped her legs around his torso as he held onto them in order to keep her steady. She could feel him smile into the kiss.

You should have left while you had the chance.

Luna eyebrows furrowed as she deepened the kiss. Her frustration was only fuel to her fire.

You know this is wrong.

He bit her lower lip which caught her by surprise. The girl reflexively let out a soft moan and he started to explore the curves under her shirt.

You will break his heart.

Luna broke the kiss. Both, out of her conscious thoughts and the pure need of oxygen in her lungs.

They were both panting as Chan let Luna down. The girl stood up and was back to square one.

Lost in his eyes.

The room was silent. Neither of them dared to speak. They just starred at each other in aw. They both tried to comprehend what had happened.

Everything was different now. There was no going back to how it was, and when Luna hit that realization, there was a pang in her chest. There her heart went again, making her feel like she was sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss.

She needed some time to think.

That's when they both felt the vibrations of there phones in their pockets. Chan pulled out his phone, quickly looked down, and then back and the girl. "It's a new group chat. All of us are in it".

A small laugh broke Luna's expression she knew exactly who Chan meant by "All of us". She thought about the hectic chaos that could only go on in a crack headed group chat like that one. "You read while I clean up the mess I made." The girl said as she looked at the scattered pieces of red ceramic on the cold tiled floor.

"Let me help you." He said as he backed up and crouched down to start picking the pieces on the floor. She followed his lead and in a few minutes the pieces were all in the sliver bin in the corner.

The two sat on the couch as Chan read through the group chat laughing every once in a while. Luna starred at the wall in front of her with a blanket wrapped around her.

"It looks like everyone is looking for us again."  Chan replied making Luna snap out of her thoughts. She looked at him before saying "Maybe we should head back then. Remember what happened last time?"

Luna's logic was sound. They didn't need another "meeting" in the living room however, they girl truly just wanted to leave and have some alone time to think about... everything.

Chan sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "You are right, besides we already had our fun." They chuckled as he looked at her and she looked at the floor.

Luna stood up.

She grabbed her blanket and laptop and walked to the exit. Luna turned the door knob and pulled open the baby blue door. "Bye." She replied with a small smile before closing it behind her.

She quietly walked up the stairs to the dorm, walked down the hallway, and dug in her pockets for her keys. Once she found them, she put it in the lock, turned the key 180 degrees and opened the door.

When Luna quietly closed the door behind her, her head started to spin and she leaned on the door for support. All her thoughts came flooding in at once and worries were now very evident. The girl slid down the wooden door with one palm resting on her forehead as she tried to shield her eyes from the seemingly harsh lights. When reached the ground, the girl brought her knees to her chest as her other hand rested on them.

Life just got a whole lot more crazy.


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