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🐨: Soooo what is your name?

L: What is your name?

🐨: I asked you first

L: and I asked you second

🐨: Look I just need to make sure that you are not crazy off the deep end

L: Ha. No

🐨: Oh thank g-

L: If you consider not off the deep end: in the hole that my crazy punched through the deep end concert of the pool floor... then no


L: Woahhhh koala dude are you good!?!

🐨: Yes Seungmin just took my phone and then got his tall ass tackled... and koala dude? Really?

L: Your contact is a Koala emoji!! What else am I going to call you??

🐨: Are we going to ignore the fact that we both have a contact for each other which means we would have had to get our numbers from each other?

L: Yup.

🐨: Phew ok well can you not call me Koala dude?

L: ok. I'll call you Koko!!

🐨: NO! No.

L: Yeah your right, my friend would be pissed at me for taking his favorite name for a pupper

🐨: pupper?

L: Yes pupper. Do you have a problem with pupper koala dude??

🐨: No and please just call me Chris

L: Ok! Thanks Chris

🐨: Wow and here I thought I wouldn't win this argument.

L: Actually I did. Thanks for telling me your name Chris ;)

🐨: Wha- Shit

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