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A/N: Sorry! I'm not dead, just busy!

Luna closed her computer with a sigh. Her eyes stung and her entire body felt sore, but 3 hours of working was less then usual for her.

The girl looked down at her tea and realized that she had sipped the last bit, maybe an hour ago. Luna thought of getting some more but then remembered the predicament that she found her self in.

She looked at the boy that had fallen asleep with his head on her shoulder with one hand lightly holding onto her arm for balance. She studied his features as she couldn't help herself in playing with his soft hair. He still had slight bags under his eyes, and although his hair was soft, it was unkempt. Chris was peaceful and seemed to need the sleep. Luna was not about to disrupt it but getting up to get more tea.

"You're lucky that you are cute. No one keeps me away from a hot cup of coffee or tea." She whispered softly as she kept playing with his hair. She felt the grip of the hand around her arm tighten as she saw the boy's eyes flutter open.

They were bright.

A sly grin laced up the corners of his mouth while he picked up his head to see her face to face. "You think I'm cute?" He asked as his breath tickled the tip of her nose. His voice resembled what Luna imagined his voice waking up in the morning to be. The words coming from his mouth were low, and the bass from their sound shook her very core.

Luna felt goosebumps springing on her cold skin. She starred into his eyes. His dark eyes reminded her of a cold abyss but by the way that they were lit up by the expression on his face made them warm at the same time.

They were a place she could easily get lot in.

Time seemed to stop, or maybe it was the fact that her heart seemed to be running a marathon. Luna inhaled lightly, as she tried to steady her senses but the air was saturated in his sent. It only lulled her into a deeper level of ecstasy.

His face got even closer when he spoke once more. "Are you going to answer or stare at me all day?" His transfixing nature was dangerous.

The gap between them started to shrink. She was intoxicated, entranced, and dazed. She could not speak. Her body would not listen.

You will brake his heart.

That was when the trance broke. The world seemed to work in real time and Luna moved back. She tore her gaze away from him and starred at the red, empty, mug on the table.
"Take my starring as a yes." Was all she said.

Luna's heart beat never rest. No. It felt like she wanted to throw it up, it was so indecisive. Moments ago it felt as light as a feather but now, it felt like a sinking weight. "Now that you are awake, I'm going to grab another cup of tea." The girl added while getting up and carrying the plain red mug in her hand.

The only sound was that of Luna's feet shuffling to the baby blue door. She placed her hand on the door knob but couldn't bring herself to turn it. The nagging in her ear was urging her, yelling at her to leave before she did something stupid.

She didn't want to leave and she didn't want to leave things like this. Her hand refused to move and through her own mental struggle, Luna could hear the sound of driven footsteps walking closer.

"Luna." She turned around and bumped into the baby blue door.

The sound of the plain red mug breaking on the cold tiles of the dim room, was all she heard before his lips crashed down on hers.

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