Part - 30 - Your Mind Reader

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Nandhini's POV:

It's been quite a few minutes that me and Manik is in the car. I can feel that Manik is struggling to start the conversation. I have never seen him like this.

"Sooo... Mr. Manik Malhotra tell me what it is?" I asked playfully.

"Hah.. Nothing Nandhini. I..." I know exactly where it is going.

"Manik it's not my place to tell you anything. I know you are worried but still give him some space, he will definitely tell you."

"What?" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oooh hello, eyes on the road. I really don't want to die young." He rolled his eyes and concentrated on road.

"Vaise, I thought you are intelligent till now you must  have figured out that you are too predictable for me. I can easily read you." I raised my imaginable collar and patted my shoulder. Earning a laugh from him.

"Such a drama queen you are" he said in between his laugh.

I smiled seeing him laugh. Atleast now he is bit relaxed.

"Manik, give him some time he will definitely tell you." I gave him a assuring smile.

"I know Nandhini. But still I.. you know I never seen him like that devastated in past 9 years. He is always this happy go lucky guy. He was there with me in my most difficult times and I also want to do the same but he is not letting me in."

"I can understand want you are going through Manik. To be honest I am very much amused by the way you are handling it. If it was me then I would have freaked out. But we should respect his decision as well right. So give him some time he will definitely tell you" he smiled at me and nodded his head.

"Oh hah I forgot something" he said and try to open his dashboard. I slapped his hand.

"Oww Nandhini it's hurting"

"Oh really. I am glad" I gave him a tight smile and eyed him to concentrate on driving. Why this guy is distracting himself while driving. Uff Krishna, give him some brain na.

" If your cursing session is over, will you look for a pamphlet in there" he gave a I know you look.

I searched for the pamphlet when I got it I was shocked and looked at him.

"What? Isn't the same fashion designing house you where looking for?"

"Yes but..." I lean back and closed my eyes. He didn't interrupted me silences prevailed for few minutes.

"I know the will allow me to take up the course. But.." I heaved a sigh

"It's complicated Manik"

"You are making it complicate miss. Murthy"

"Really Manik, you tell what should I do when I know that both my brother's will leave all there work and come and sit with me in the class just to make sure I am fine. And then what will happen there work load will be high and the sleeping time will be reduced which will leads to many health issues."

"No Manik, I can't be selfish. I can't compramaise on my brother's health just for some stupid passion on mine. No Manik"


"No let's end this here. You don't know Manik. Abhi bhai is working day and night in SS industries, now he is working on some new venture along with that he is looking after Space all alone. Harsh bhai is busy in his studies and he is also working with Abhi bhai. You know Abhi bhai is hardly sleeping for 4 hours, I am sure he is not even having his afternoon meal properly , if I join this class then he will forget about everything." I didn't even realised he stopped the car, he handed me an water bottle.

"Done.. now have some water first." I took the bottle from him and drank the water in a go, when I eyes caught some thing I looked confused and took the papers only to be shocked. This can't be true. No not at all.

"Ma.. Manik.. what's.. what is this?"

"What? Nandhini don't tell me you can't read?" This is not the time for a joke it's serious

"Be serious Manik."

"Alright, Alright. You can say even you are too predictable for me. You know I am your mind reader." He laughed only to receive a blank look from me. He smiled and said

"I know yesterday you wanted to speak to me regarding the same. I know you will blabber all "I can't be selfish" rubbish. So I decided this" he shrugged like nothing happened.

"You.. you can't.. I mean you don't have to... Oh Krishna" I palmed my face


Manik's POV:

The look on her face shocked, surprised, little hope but guilt. I immediately told her,

"Oh hello madam don't give so much importance to you hah.. you see in MM we do have venture capital in fashion, so me being a heir of MM I need to know something about fashion so even I registered in this"

"But Ma.."

"Come on Nandhini, now don't tell me "you have music your studies. Manik I can't be selfish" and all ok. " she is still stunned to react. I held her hand

"Nandhini, you know you always amuse me by your selfless nature, maybe I never saw some one till now as selfless as you. I am not saying you are wrong. No defintely not. But try to understand your loved ones, when they will get to know that you just didn't follow want YOUR heart really want. Will it make them happy. No Nandhini, then all your sacrifice will be utter waste."

"So please accept this, I am sure your Bhaiya's will be much more happy to let you join the class."

"Oh yes they will be even more happy to get a bodyguard for their sister that to free of cost." I leaned on my seat with my hands back. When I heard a chuckle. Thank God she finally agreed.

" Oh madam don't laugh too much. You have to pay be back in kind." She raised her moist eyes with a beautiful smile on her lips.

"Hww Nandu did you forgot our pact" I said dramatically pointing my hands between us.

"Come yaar. Obviously food you girl. As I am your bodyguard hereafter my breakfast, lunch and dinner is at my master's place." I bowed down my head only to hear my most favourite thing recent times her laugh and asusaul I got lost in her smile.

I wiped her tears "This doesn't suit you... But this" I pointed at her smile.

"And besides "I don't want to die young"by your brother's hand for making you cry." I mimicked her, she laughed whole heartedly.

" Why Manik" she asked me staring at my eyes.



Spread Love. Stay Positive.

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