Part - 28 - New bonds

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(Not proof - read)

Nandhini's POV

"I hope you are alright now." I asked breaking the prolonged silences. In reply I just got the slight nod.

"Does your friends know?" I asked again. Am I crossing my line.

"About what? About me being a--" the words got trailed off. I shook my head.

"CABIR. Are you serious right now" I asked him with a disappointed tone. He took a deep breath.

"Please Nandhini I don't want to talk about it"

"Noo.. you really want someone right now. Cabir you can't expect someone to be in a relationship, when you are hesitant in even saying your are Homosexual."

"I am not Hesitant Nandhini. Trust me I am not. I accept I am homosexual. Yes I am Gay." He said in a defeated tone. I pressed his shoulder.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of Cabir. It's not your fault. Infact it's not at all a fault." He passed me a small smile.

"By the way I asked whether your friends know that you and he--"

"Sameer. No they don't know about him. And they don't even know about my sexuality" He said with a depressed tone.

"I know I am very special" I raised my invisible collar. He chuckled at my antics. Atleast he smiled.

"Cabir. I know I am not the right person to tell you about this. But don't you think your friends should know about this"

"I am trying Nandhini. But I can't I.. I just can't.. it's just that I"

" It's ok Cabir relax" I tried to control him.

"No Nandhini you are right I just need someone to share all the happenings. I can't just keep on lying to my friend and I can't keep them in dark. But what can I do I am sacred what if it breaks us, what if because of me my friends face humiliation. Apart from all this what will happen to our music career Nandhini..." He shook his head vigorously. " No no no I think Sameer is right it will definitely affect our music. I can't afford that Nandhini. You know music is our life especially for Manik. I can't do this to him. He already did a lot."

"Alright relax. First of all neither your fab 5 will break nor you or your friends will face humiliation. About your music career, Cabir do you really think your career will affect because of your sexuality, come in its 2019 no one thinks about who you are and what you are? All that matters is your talent. And you guys are talented so you guys will definitely be the singing sensation in future, mark my words."

"Now I really doubt are you sure you are from New York?" I asked with a playful suspicious look when he muttered something while smiling.

"What are you murmuring "

"Nothing. Thank you Nandhini. I seriously needed this peep talk." I smiled at him.

"Cabir, as you said don't keep your friends in dark. I think they should know about all the happenings I mean including Sameer. I think you needed them the most now." On hearing his name his face fell and he was zoned out for few minutes. When I saw tears in his eyes I decided to break his thoughts.

"He is not worth it. You don't deserve this CABIR." He looked at me with hope in his eyes. Oh Krishna. This boy loved him truly. But the truth is there is no hope left in this relationship.

"Don't hold any hope Cabir. It will leads to another heart break"

Please Krishna help him.

"Do you deserve this Nandhini" I looked at him immediately.

"Why do you want to break your broken heart by holding on the Hope." I chuckled at his question. How can I tell you i am holding my breath just because of that tiny Hope. I looked at him before answering him.

"No Manik didn't say anything." I frowned at his words. Where did this came from.

"I know. I trust him." He looked at me with amused expression.

"I wanted to ask that--" He chuckled and said

" I am mind reader you know." I glared at him with a small smile atleast he not beyond repair.

"Oh come on Nandhini. Your song says it all, besides I also loved someone deeply." He said the last line more like a whisper.


Manik's POV:

Shit Manik. You are gone today.

Damn this meeting. Why can't dad just handle his client. Tech has reached heights but still my beloved dad is still old school.

God please be with me

Hell I am late for an hour. I think Nandhini will not be there. Should I go directly to her house? Or should I check the park first?

God Manik first reach the apartments.
Within few minutes I reached the park. And saw her sitting in our place.

Official it's your Death day Mr. Manik Malhotra. I rushed to her.

"Sorry Sorry sorry Nandhini I really wanted to come soon but that old bald business man was not ready to leave me. I am so sorry please---- Cabir what are you doing here" I never expected Cabir to be here at this time with Nandhini. That's when I noticed his face. Does by any chance was he-- what am I even thinking why will he cry. But still his eyes.

"Cabir what happened to you" I rushed to his side.

"Finally Manik Malhotra noticed me isn't?" He asked me trying hard to give me a teasing smile.

"Cut this crap. What happened to you? Why is your face so dull. Have you been cryi---"

"What? Why will I cry man" he shrugged his shoulders nervously. It's very clear that something happened.

"Besides don't you know. The great Cabir will make others cry not the other way around" I kept staring at him while he was avoiding all sort of eye contact. Few minutes later he exhaled a breath dejectedly.

"I think I should leave" I heard a low voice behind me. That's when I realised Nandhini also here. I turned around and gave her an apologetic look.

"It's ok Manik. Mine can wait." She said with a small smile.

"He needs you" she mouthed this and turn around to leave.

"Nandhini" I looked at Cabir who was giving a faint smile to Nandhini.

"Thank you" I looked at both of them with much confusion. She smiled at him at went off. I turned to see Cabir walking away


"Not now Manik. Some other time, I will definitely tell you and fab 5 but not now Please." I sigh and walked to him.

"Alright come let's go out for lunch. Trust me man, that man didn't even let me eat my lunch. And they call this as business lunch." I said flapping my hands.

He laughed and said "Always ready for food. Come let's go"

I need to divert him from whatever is bothering him.

And I am going to make sure that nothing bothers him hereafter.


Spread Love. Stay Positive.

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