condom?/Jenini Ver./07/20/02

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Dear Diary.

I have nothing to write down. BuTttT
Jimin said he wants to play with me but yoongi keeps on bullying him (Tʖ̯T)

Once I grow up. I'll buy a condom for me and Jimin and leave yoongi because he is a bully!

Bye for now diary!

Jenini Ver.

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"I think my child self meant condo.. " Jennie trailed off as she read the other parts of the diary.

Boredom leads her to read a book about two young lads who is forbidden to love each other. And yes she read those kinds of book because she's open about LGBT community.

But grew tired of reading it so she decided to read a few pages of their diary.

She was about to lay down on the couch but suddenly, she felt like vomiting.

So she rush to the bathroom like a lighting speed and let it all out. After she finish vomiting, her head feels like it's spinning.

Jennie was confused on why she was feeling like that, and then an idea came into her mind.

"Am I.. ? "

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