Merry Christmas!/Yoonswag/12/25/05

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Dear diary~


I'm so happy, many present, many sweets, many money and many many more!

I woke up early to open presents, and I didn't expect that it's so many! Mom and dad I'm very thankful, very!

I went to nini and she have many presents too! She said we'll play after they eat breakfast.

Then we went to the playground to meet Jimin, Chaeyoung, Hoseok, Jin, Lisa and Taehyung.

Jisoo noona is with me and nini. And we talk bout many things, play and everything!

And then our families eat at night together at our garden! And many things happen.




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Everyone are busy arranging the place to make more pleasing in the eye. While in the other hand, Jihoon and Soonyoung are no where to be found.

Apparently the two went on the two seater swing as they read the diary, skipping the pages and laughing at the childishness of Jihoon's parents.

"Hey maybe we should make our own? " Soonyoung suggested as he sneakily wrap his arms on his best friend's shoulder as he acted as if he didn't do anything.

Jihoon blush at this and pinch the bridge of his nose, it's his habit when he's flattered, embarrassed or shy.

"Why? " The younger asked the older in a meek voice. He subconsciously lean on the older, liking the warmth he's feeling.

"Because they end up with each other. " And this statement made jihoon even more blush. He hit his best friend on the chest playfully and hid his face on his chest.

"Not funny. " Jihoon mumble on Soonyoung's chest. Soonyoung move his arms and wrap it around the younger to give him more warmth as he watch the snow fall.

"Who said I'm joking? " Soonyoung firmly said and tighten his hug in the younger.

"I hate that I love you. " Jihoon mumble and return the hug, equally tight.

"I love you too"

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And if you're wondering, The twins are already born at the first and second day of December.

Apparently, the first born boy was born first at 11:58 pm on the night while the second boy was born at 1:04 am.

That's why.

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