[Nine] SoonHoonCombo ♡

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Dear diary

This is not my idea. It's soonyoung's.


So yeah. It's our diary cuz soonyoung thought of doing that same thing of what my parents did when they're little. No originality. Tsk.

Meanie! Then let's make something original! I'mma kiss you with every curse you say!

Wtf? That's not it!




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he two said teens from the newly written diary was now catching each other by the seashore.

The was having too much fun to even care of their parents, or uncles are watching them. Even taking a video of them

Once soonyoung caught jihoon by his waist, he smooches jihoon at his both sides of his cheeks, forehead and the tips of his nose.

Everyone who's watching them froze with their mouth agape and eyes wide. Mostly Yoongi and Jennie along with Jimin and Chaeyoung.

"MIN JIHOON AND KWON SOONYOUNG GET YOUR BUTTS HERE! " Jimin and Yoongi yelled at the same time making some of the people who's not watching them look at the two teens direction. ;) see what I did there?

"Hey chae, you took a video of that right? " Jennie asked still froze of her feet.

Chaeyoung only nod and reply; "At a perfect view. Let's watch it again? " Jennie nod in response and sat in the chair with chae, Lisa and jisoo.

"Oh my gosh, I'm not ready for a grandchild. " Jennie stated with a stress voice which earns a laugh from the three girls.

"I mean they're cute, they fit each other perfectly. The total opposite of each other. " Jisoo pointed out while taking a bite on her chicken skewer.

The three moms agreed and laugh.

Taehyung and Hoseok went near them saying; "we have a important announcement guys. " Taehyung called out.

The two teens sigh in relief as they mentally thank the two olders.

Everyone at her around the two of them except for the younger children who's busy taking a nap on a huge, really huge, hammock.

"So.. Uh.. How do I start this? " Hoseok  nervously said and grip on taehyung's hand tightly. Taehyung sigh and raise their hands on the air.

Everyone was shock except for the boys. "Don't state what is obvious. " Jungkook sass which earns a smack from Lisa.

"Don't be mean! Now continue. " Lisa said.

"Andwe'reexpectingababy." Hoseok talk fastly. Taehyung only chuckle at him.

"What? " Jin asked.

"We're expecting a baby. " Taehyung calmly said and grin widely. Everyone stayed silent and look at them in disbelief.

"But you're an idol tae, and your fans might attack Hoseok.. " Jisoo softly said. The two look at her and sigh.

"Yeah I am, my agency already know. " Taehyung said looking at Namjoon. If you did not know, Namjoon is the CEO of the company where taehyung is working.

"I have no problem with that. The fans are the problem here. " Namjoon said as he caress his forehead.

"And you know korea, they don't accept LGBT community. So we have to go to America for the wedding. " Namjoon also said as the others agree with the idea.

Suddenly everyone stayed silent.

"So now what? " Jungkook broke the silence and look at the people he's with.

"LET'S START MY GAMES! " Jin excitedly stated making the others stood up and agree with him.

Everyone was having so much fun with Jin's beach games.

And chaeyoung was able to take a photo of their memories.

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Photographer Chae!

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