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Dear diary~

I'm sO fAncY!

I mean I'm so happy! Jimin said he likes me back! But I don't wanna date him ㅠ~ㅠ

But he invited me over so that we can play together! And I don't know what to wear~ huhuhu

And still

iM sOo fAncYyY!


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"She cute! " Jennie squeal and giggle at the same time. But no one countered her which is not normal.

Jennie look at her husband and son, who is now sleeping peacefully. She subconsciously smiled at them and took a few photos of them

Her smile grew even more at the resemblance of the two. Even their snores was the same. And they are both sleepy heads.

Jennie shake her head and started cleaning up the mess the three of them made. And after that she softly wake up the two.

"Sleep tight my baby boys~"

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