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The next day, the Min boys was awakened by Jennie who just finished making breakfast.

She first went to her husband and didn't have a hard time waking him up. Just say these simple words.

"Your kumamon collection is on fire. "

"oH NO NOT MY PRECIOUS BABIES! "Yoongi jolt up from his bed and rush to the door. Jennie laugh at her sweet victory.

Yoongi cane back with a frown in his face and glare at his wife. " You're so evil. " After he said, he was about to go back to sleep but Jennie pulled him up.

Jennie smirk and replied, "I know. And let's go wake up Jihoon and have breakfast. "

Yoongi just followed afraid that Jennie will really set his kumamon collection on fire.

Once the married couple reach the room of their son, they went beside him and caress the boy's hair and comfortingly rub his shoulder.

"Sweetie, wake up now. Let's have breakfast. " Yoongi said with a hoarse voice, because he just woke up in the most brutal way.

Jihoon lightly shook his upper body and put his face on his pillow. Jennie sigh and whispered. "I'm gonna set fire on your-"

Jennie didn't have the chance to finish as Jihoon sat up and smile at the two. "Good morning mom and dad! Let's have breakfast! "

Yoongi just sigh and shake his head at his wife and smile while Jennie giggle and kiss Jihoon's crown.

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As they fill up at dinning room with laughters and teases, just having a normal breakfast.

They were so happy to look at. A family that have a strong bond.

After the breakfast, Jennie hell the two prepare for work and school. She close the lunch boxes, she was done preparing them.

A simple Japanese bento.

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