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"This is so yummy! " Jisoo yelled as she eat her food as if there's no tomorrow.

Lisa did the same, mixing different kinds of foods that is around the table making the kids look at her in disgust while the moms just encourage her to eat more, she's a bb and she's pregnant <3 deal with it children.

Chaeyoung was taking a bunch if picture for memories with Jennie while some of the grandparents are taking care of the new born babies.

Some others are having fun grilling skewers while a loud music blasted, operated by taehyung.

"Guys pose for the camera! " Chaeyoung said as she took a groufie with the whole family.

Everyone was now having a great time of their life.

After eating, the kids hurried to go to the shower room to take a small bath before dipping on the fresh salty water.

Yoongi went near his wife and whisper "did you bring your one-piece? " With a smirk forming on his lips.

"Yeah, to impress Jimin. " Jennie teased, the smirk on Yoongi's lips drop. He started to whine and couch his arms around his wife while whining and ranting about random things, mostly Jimin.

Jennie just laugh and peck Yoongi's lips. "Looks like you don't trust me. " Jennie stated while hugging Yoongi back.

Yoongi only pouted and shook his head. "I trust you okay? I just don't like the idea of you impressing someone that's not me. "

"My husband is really cute. " Jennie giggle as she pinched his cheeks and peck on it afterwards.

"Don't worry hunny, you're the only person I wanna impress. Well maybe Gordon Ramsay too. " Jennie whisper the last part with a chuckle. She won't say that out loud knowing that her husband is a very, very, very jealous type.

"Cute, now don't show up wearing your one-piece or you won't walk for weeks. " After that, Yoongi stood up and wink at his flustered wife.

"I'm gonna sue you Min Yoongi. " Jennie said loud enough for him to hear.

"Don't worry, you already did. " Yoongi said pointing at his heart and wink again.

Let's just say Jennie is now a blushing mess. Yoongi never failed to make her like that.

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