Min Family

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UwU our parents outfit on the media~

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"MOM! DAD! PLEASE HURRY UP HYUNG WILL BE MAD IF WE'RE LATE! " Then eight years old, Yoonbin yelled from downstairs. His twin brother beside him as they waited for their parents patiently– or maybe not.

It's been eight years and now Jihoon is a twenty one years old who will be graduating today alongside with Junhui and his lover, Soonyoung.

"MOM! DAD! I'LL PUT A BOMB HERE! HURRY UP PLEASE! " Jisung shouted this time and playfully aim his toy gun upstairs.

Yoonbin did the same and pull the trigger of high nerf gun.

The twin's grew up having the trait of their father. They like to threaten people, playfully. And they're overly hyper.

"We're done babies. Now pick up the bullets of your gun or you'll see them on the trash bin. " Yoongi said as he fix his sleeves.

Jennie came down looking so beautifully. And she's wearing a simple yet chic outfit. Typical Jennie.

Yoongi pick up his bag and his face is covered. And Jennie did not like that.

"Remove your mask and your hat please. "Jennie said as she redo the hairs of the twins because they're, again, destroyed.

" No. "Said Yoongi.

" Yes you'll remove that. " Jennie sternly stated and glare at her husband.

"Then don't wear too much chanel! " Yoongi backfire as he pouted. The two kids look at them and cutely face palm. Their mom and dad always act as if they're still a child.

Jennie gasp dramatically; "don't you dare talk to my Chanel like that! "

"Then don't talk to my bucket hat and mask like that! " Said Yoongi.

"Mom, dad. We will not get there in time if you two will keep on arguing like some childs. " Yoonbin stated as he clung on his twin.

"Yeah yeah, you two act younger than us! " Jisung pouted and clung in his twin as well.

The two look at them in awe and smiled. "Well let's get in the car then? "

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"I understand that you're famous Yoongi, but do you really have to cover yourself at your own son's graduation? " Asked as she fix her hair for the nth time.

"I'll take them off when we get to the campus. " Yoongi reassured his wife and smile at her from the rear mirror.

It was suddenly quiet, they are in comfortable silent.

Yoonbin and Jisung are currently sleeping at the back seat. They're wearing the same outfit, they look like a minion tho. A denim overalls and yellow tops with horizontal black strippes.

"Remember that it's where we went to when we are teens? " Yoongi broke the silence and laugh a little remembering their teen days on that specific school.

Jennie giggled but quickly sigh. "I miss my teen life, haha" Jennie sadly said as she remembered how they would get punished for having too much fun.

Yoongi did not replied and focus on the road. He surely did miss his tennage life. Mostly his college life. It was one of the most memorable times that had happen to his life.

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