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It's been months since they found out that Jennie was pregnant, and she's visiting the clinic once again to know the gender.

But Yoongi wanted to have a baby shower. So they came here with a friend, a very close friend who's name is Park Jimin.

Jimin and Yoongi was still arguing with each other on how a baby shower works. But Yoongi keeps saying that he wanted it his way because he is a genius.

And so Jimin and Yoongi argument never ends. Jennie only smack the back of their heads and glare at them. "Shut up! " She said irritated. Jennie clung onto Jimin and sniff him. "Smells good~"

Yoongi only pouted as he watch his wife sniff another man. Jihoon who's just talking to his friend, Soonyoung. Jimin's nephew.

"The baby shower will still be my way! Hmp." Yoongi said out loud but Jimin and Jennie gave no care on the sulking guy.

Jihoon only roll his eyes to his father and drag soonyoung somewhere, without his sulking father.

"Min Jennie? You may come inside now. " Yoongi stood up and pull Jennie up and drag her inside the clinic. Jimin only chuckle and follow them.

He doesn't have a choice but to follow the 'great' Yoongi's baby shower plan.

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