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Jennie greeted the two from the door. She gave them a peck on the cheek and sweetly smile. It was exactly 3:45 pm when they arrived home.

"Welcome home boys. " Jennie said as she help Jihoon with his things. Yoongi gave her a peck on the lips and ruffle her hair.

Jennie swatted his hand from her hair and glare at her husband. Jihoon only chuckle at his parents and proceed to walk inside their home.

Jihoon could hear his parents bicker on random stuffs, which is normal for them. He flop down to the couch and turn on the TV.

Yoongi did the same and loosen up his necktie. Jennie shake her head and went to the kitchen to grab some snacks for her husband and son.

She grab two medium size bowls and fill them with macarons, small donuts and took three small bowls to feel them with ice creams. She also put fruits in there.

Jennie loves cooking and baking pastries so their fridge is always full with sweets. While Yoongi loves eating ice cream after a tiring day and Jihoon simply just wanna eat sweets while studying in front of the tv.

That's how their life works.

Suddenly Jennie felt nervous for no reason. Or maybe because she bought a pregnancy test a while ago and guess what.

It showed two lines, which means she's pregnant. but she's already thirty five, and have a twelve years old son. She can't possibly be pregnant.

Jennie shake off her head to remove the thoughts lingering on her mind and put the snacks on a tray.

As she put down the tray on the mini table on their living room, the two boys thank her. Jennie went back to the kitchen to grab the jug of water and three glasses.

She walk to the living room and place the jug down with the glasses. Jennie took the sit next to her husband who's too focused on the TV.

She look over her son who's doing his homework, still on his uniform. "Jihoon, you should take a small bath and change clothes. okay? "

Jihoon only nod and stood up to go to his room. Jennie took this chance to tell her husband about the pt.

"Hey Yoongi.. " Jennie started and put her hands on her pocket to get the pregnancy test.

Yoongi only hum and turn his head to his wife who seems to be nervous than usual.

"I have something to tell you.. " Her voice was mixed with seriousness and nervousness. She started biting her lips, as beads sweat started rolling down her forehead.

Yoingi's forehead creases. "What it is? "

Jennie only showed him the pregnancy test and turn her head down, afraid of his expression.

Yoongi had an shock face, then smiled widely. "You're telling me this now?! OH GOSH I'M SO HAPPY! "

Yoongi shouted as he carried Jennie, bridal style. And pamper her face with kisses. "MY FAMILY WITH HAVE AN ANOTHER ADDITION! "

Jihoon who just came down from, heard what his father said and had an shock face. "I'm gonna be an older brother?! " Jihoon said excitedly as he run to his parents and hug them.

The two trap their son in between them, Jennie started crying for no reason.

Well maybe she was happy that her boys was excited about this news. "We're going to the hospital tomorrow, I'll give my boss an excuse letter, later! " Yoongi said excitedly and wipe away the years rolling down Jennie's cheeks.

Jihoon pouted and said. "I wanna go to! " Yoongi only laugh and said yes.

The three was now sitting on the couch while Yoongi and Jihoon keeps on arguing on what will the name of the baby.

They didn't even know the gender yet. Jennie only laugh and kiss the two on their forehead.

What a happy family.

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