mAh bDay!/Jenini/01/17/06

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Dear diary

So like I'mma tell you guys my birthday party yesterday.



So my cake have five layers and it was rainbow! I have so many gifts and a magician show us magic!

I hate clowns so no clowns.

The food was made by my Grandma and mom and aunts! We are dressed up as princesses and princes!

And Jisoo unnie is the prettiest! I love her violet gown!

I have a red puffy gown~

While Yoongi have the same design as my gown but he was wearing what a prince should wear. It looks so cool!

But I want Jimin to be my partner T³T

The place was so flowery and colorful, it's so beautiful!

And today, we are going on the beach as what Jisoo unnie ask for her birthday.

I love my family

Wait I never talk about my brother? Taehyung oppa! He's sulking because he want an alien as his birthday gift.


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"Hey Jen, this is cute! " Yoongi beam as he read what is written on the certain page of the diary out loud for his wife.

Currently the babies are sleeping on their cribs while Jihoon was still on school.

"Huh? Let me see. " Jennie said as he handed her the notebook. Jennie read it herself and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah you're right. " Jennie giggle at her old self and close it.

"Speaking of Taehyung oppa. He's visiting today to give Jihoon and the twins their late presents. " Jennie informed her husband and dial a number on her phone.

"I'll call Jisoo and Jin to come over as well. And maybe, the others. "

"Please don't call Jimin. " Yoongi groan in annoyance because he knew damn well that he'll be jealous again.

"He's a friend, a very close friend. Besides he have Chaeyoung. Stop being jealous. " Jennie chuckle as she peck her husband on the lips.

"Fine, just don't get near him. "

'Jealous Yoongi is a cute Yoongi. ' Jennie thought and smiled at her sulking husband.

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