Cute gays!/Jenduekie/07/20/06

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Dear diary

In class, A girl said Jin oppa is gay because he likes pink. And everyone started calling him f*g.

They are idiots. Because Jisoo unnie fought them with Jimin and Namjoon.

I mean gays are cute!! I don't mind having gay friends, I would be more glad to have them.

Now people in the future, don't hate gays! They're cute!

But Yoongi said gays are dumb. -_-

I'll hit him with my flute, wait.


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Jihoon suddenly became anxious with his gender. Agter reading the page of the diary. He started to doubt himself. Maybe being a gay is dumb?

The young child let out a sigh as his phone vibrate. He didn't check it and went to his parents bedroom.

He saw the twins on the crib, sleeping peacefully. He's thankful that the twins are easy to be calmed down.

Yoongi and Jennie notices their son and ask him;

"Is there something wrong, sweetie? " Jennie ask as she pats the space between her and Yoongi. He went there and sat.

He did not bit around the bush and ask immediately. "Are you guys really okay with me being gay? Aren't you guys disappointed? "

The two parent was shocked. They did not expect their son to ask this. But he did, si they need to answer him.

"It doesn't matter what your gender is. We're here to support you no matter what. At first yes but you're our son, and we will always accept you. Besides it's your life. You can always adopt children." Jennie said softly as she wrap her arms around her son.

Yoongi stayed still and look at his son.

"Mpreg exist tho. " Yoongi said out loud making Jihoon blush and Jennie glared at him.

"Min Yoongi watch your mouth! "Jennie scolded as she tighten her hug at Jihoon.

The two started bickering again as if they're some kids fighting over on who'd gonna play the swing.

Jihoon could only smile and be thankful for having supportive parents like them.

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