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Dear Diary~

I have a bad and good news.

The good news is today we will go to a water park!!

The bad news is that Jimin is coming with us 😐

And I already planned my revenge on him.

I will drown him while eating churros. 😎


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"How can you eat churros while drowning someone? " Jennie asked as she read the diary, out loud. Today the Min Family is on their way to the venue where Jimin arrange the baby shower for Jennie's babies.

Their friends didn't have any clue that Jennie is having a twin so, suRpriSe!

"I can teach you, I'm an expert. " Yoongi replied in a confident tone making Jihoon furrow his eye brows.

"So you did drown Uncle Jimin? " Jihoon said in an amused voice, he lightly chuckle then said;

"May be I should do that to Soonyoung. " Yoongi and Jihoon laugh as the father agreed with his son's idea. Jennie can only palm her face and tell the two to shut up.

"No wonder people say that you two are the exact same person. " Jennie said and pout. "I want my sugarcane! "

"We're near, hun. Let's wait okay? " Yoongi held his wife's hands and smile, sweetly. "Fine."

"Yuck, couples. Ugh. " Jihoon groan and lean his back in the backrest.

"As if you don't have a thing with Soonyoung, sweetie. " Yoongi teases his son. The young boy could only blush as his mother tease him as well.

"Mom, dad, stop it! " Jihoon yelled in embarrassment. The two older only laugh at the boy's embarrassed state. Jihoon pinch the bridge of his nose in the process.

"I want my grandchildren's father is Soonyoung. Honey. " Jennie tease more. Yoongi only laugh as he focus on the road.


"No can't do, buds, she's in command. "

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