New Year/Jenini/12/31/05

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Dear diary~

It's currently past our bedtime and I'm liking it. IT'S NEW YEAR FOLKS!!!

It's so nice to eat with the whole family as we talk about Jisoo unnie's undying crush for Jin oppa

Joke I love my pretty, lovely sister.

And now we are watching the fireworks with my friends. We watch as firecrackers light up.

But our parents said not to get too close. (Tʖ̯T)

But they allowed us to hold Lusis or that long stick that we light up the top and let it die down.

It's so fun!!!



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"Hey, hey! Come here girls. " Jennie said as she call the girls attention. The three came to her and asked;

"What's the tea? " Lisa asked, excited as she hold her baby bump. Lisa who's married to Jeon Jungkook is expecting a baby girl.

Jennie showed the girls a photo she took when they're celebrating Christmas. It was her son with his best friend being sweet together.

The three girls squeal as they swipe for more pictures. Jennie joins the squealing, the three did not mind the confusion on the other people inside the house.

"What's the squealing about? " Jungkook went near the girls, he kiss his wife's cheek before settling on Lisa's side.

Lisa snatch the phone from Jisoo and let her husband see the two boys. Jungkook only chuckle;

"They're cute, they are a perfect fit for each other. "Jungkook said as he stood up and bid his goodbye and went to the other dad's to tell the news.

Yoongi, who had his teasing smile toward his son who's talking to Soonyoung. Jihoon notice it and gulp nervously. He knew that smile.

In short. He, once again, have to deal with his parent teasing for a month.

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Treasure's leader-nim! Choi Hyunsuk
on the media.

And yeah that's Lusis he is holding, I don't know the other term for that, sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)

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