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Today is the last day they will be staying in the beach resort. And it made the kids sulk. While on the other hand, the teens are being scolded by their parents.

"You five are grounded! Do you guys think playing that stupid game with your 'twist' is good?! " Lisa almost shouted as she was very stress about the teens reckless actions.

Pregnant Lisa means Strict Lisa, (Tʖ̯T)

"Hey lis, calm down okay? We'll talk with them. Don't stress yourself, you're pregnant. Remember? " Jennie said trying to calm the pregnant baby. Uwu bb Lisa <3

"Fine." Lisa pouted and hug Jennie, then walk away to her husband. She wants to bite his arms.

Now Chaeyoung decided to speak up.

"Now kids. Tell me why did you guys decided to play truth or dare in a dangerous way? " Chaeyoung calmly said and heave a heavy sigh. She may be calm outside but she's fuming inside, blood boiling.

"It was Jeonghan hyung and Soonyoung hyung's idea! " Seokmin pointed at the two elder and huh his twin.

Wonwoo nodded, agreeing with his twin brother. "They forced us! "

"Hey, hey, we did not! We asked you nicely! "Jeonghan defended as he cross his arms. Soonyoung nod.

" So pulling us to sit on the floor is your idea of 'nicely asking'?" Jihoon deadpan as he glare at soonyoung. Soonyoung gulp and went near to the boy and hug him.

"I'm sowwy hoonie." Jihoon only roll his eyes and let the boy hug him. Jennie's eyes caught this and look at the boy.

"Soonyoung, come with me. You guys, scold them. " Jennie seriously said and made soonyoung follow her. She pick up her phone and dial her husband to go by the shore.

Soonyoung gulp and mentally prayed.

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The two parents are now looking at the nervous boy in front of them.

"Speak up. We're listening. " Jennie said as she tried to make the heavy atmosphere lighter.

Soonyoung have a confuse look at him. He can't understand what his aunt Jennie meant.

"What? " He asked.

"Tell us. Why are you so clingy to our son? " Even though it's obvious he like their son. Jennie wants to hear it from him.

"Uh.. About that.. " Soonyoung trailed off his words, he scratched the back of his head and smiles nervously.

The two parents are waiting for an response from the teen who just clung himself to their son everytime, everywhere.

"I was thinking that...– okay okay. I really really like Jihoon, Auntie Jen. And I wanna court him. Can I? " Soonyoung said making Jennie and Yoongi's mouth agape. They did not expect him to say that.

"What? In such a young age? " Yoongi said amused.

"Kinda.. " Said Soonyoung.

"Look kid, you're just a teen. And for sure you still don't know the meaning of love. You may like my son this time, but when you set your eyes on a different person. The feelings you have for my son will fade. And he'll be really upset. " Jennie said. Yoongi stayed silent. He did not speak.

Soonyoung lower down his head and bit his lips. He's really sure that he likes jihoon or maybe already love him they'd been together since their in diapers.

"I-i.. " Soonyoung seems to not pick a word to say and just stayed silent.

"I don't know if you're just attached to my son or you just thought you love him, but really it's just like a brother relationship. I can't say that you can't court him. It's your decision, but I'm his mother. I'm just worried about the well being of the two of you. " Jennie finished. She was about to let the boy leave but Yoongi stop her.

"Okay then. I'll let you court my son, but he's only allowed to answer you when you guys reached college. Let's see if you can wait that long. " Yoongi smiled at the boy which made soonyoung at ease. At least it made his heavy heart, relief.

Jennie only nod and sigh. "And I don't want you to force yourself. If you really can't do it. Then finish it, I don't you to feel like you're obligated to court my son. I want you to court my son because you have feelings for him, not because we told you so. "

Soonyoung bowed at the two a lot of times saying thank you's. He's really happy that they agreed.

"Better make sure that my son won't cry because of you. Or else" Yoongi threatened.

"I promise that Jihoon will not cry because of me! " Soonyoung smile from ear to ear.

"I don't take promises. " After Yoongi said that. He dismiss the young boy who ran towards his love of his life.

"Are you sure it's a great idea to agree with him? " Jennie asked worried. She's really scared of what may be the consequences of agreeing. They're still kids, for Pete's sake.

"Don't worry, we've seen soonyoung and jihoon grow together. And soonyoung is not those typical boys who only wants someone for fun or because of boredom. He'll take care of our son. " Yoongi reassured his wife and hug her by the waist as they watch the sunset.

"I'm still worried tho, jihoon is just a baby. " Jennie nearly cry just by the thought of jihoon becoming an adult. And this came up, she's not ready for her sons to grow up.

"Don't worry hun, everything will be under control. " After Yoongi said that. He lean in to his wife to share a passionate kiss.

"I love you. " Jennie said breaking the kiss with her gummy smile.

"I love you too. " Said Yoongi and dive back in for another kiss.

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