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Dear diary

Today was the day Hoseok will permanently leave T³T

He have us friendship bracelets and said he will miss us. HuHuhU

He'll move out of the neighborhood and live in a new house which is five blocks away from us.

And I'm too lazy to walk there so I said I'll miss him because I will never walk that far.



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"If I could turn back time, I'll smack you hard. " Jennie said while watching her babies sleep. Yoongi pouted and snatch the diary from her hands.

"You're the meanie here! " Yoongi exclaimed as he pout. Dad Yoongi is a pouty Dad.

Jennie shake her head and chuckly lightly, she just noticed it for si ling that ever since they married each other. Yoongi would always act cute inside the house and when he's outside without or with his family, he's scary. Like really scary.

"I'll wash up, can you please take care of the twins." Jennie asked- more like said and stood up, peck his husband on his pile and leave the room to wash up.

Yoongi smiled as he watch the twins sleep. Guess they got yoongi's live for sleeping.

"You two are the cutest. Of course Jihoon too but he's shy to admit that he's cute. " Yoongi talk to his twins as if they understand him. He keeps talking and talking until he felt like sleeping.

He stretch his upper limbs and tried his best to stay awake, just for his children.

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