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Dear Diary

I'm eight now yey.
*insert my sarcasm*

I feel so old now! I need to find a job and work hard on my school!

Yoongi keeps on teasing me because I'm old now (ಥ͜ʖಥ)

That's one ugly crying face.

I'mma name youUuu Jan!

Because my birthday is in January! And it's today!


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"Well that's adorable. " Jihoon's friend, Soonyoung, commented as the two was reading the diary.

They even rummage through the box of Jihoon's parents owns. Soonyoung thought for a second that this was a bad idea but Jihoon only shrugged it off.

They saw so many old toys, old bills and coins, diy tie t-shirts and many more.

They were fascinated by the inside of the box. "Hey is this a pack a candies?? " Soonyoung said amused. Jihoon look over to him and agreed.

"Wow this is cool. "

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