chapter 1

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 L U K E

I woke up with a jolt. I felt better compared to the other day, but I didn't feel good. 

I able to twist my head the smallest bit so I could survey the room. I tried to make out the blurry faces in the room, but ultimately failed. I saw a face whip over to me before the hushed whispers stopped. 

Slowly 2 figures approached my bedside. As they got closer, I could see that they were not Amber and Tyler, but older look-a-likes. By the time they were right in front of my line of vision I could see that they weren't just look-a-likes of Amber and Tyler, but my parents.

My dad grasped my hand in his own as my mom bent down to kiss my forehead.

 "Hey buddy" my dad whispered slowly, trying to soothe any upcoming panic that could have come.

I didn't know how to go about replying so I just blinked at him in response.

He reached up and ran his fingers through my hair, and I couldn't help but nestle my head into his hand. I looked over to my mom, and almost jumped in surprise.

She looked.. terrible. Cuts littered her face, and a gash cut deep into her eyebrow. The hand that the was using to hold onto the hospital bed was bandaged in a light blue cast. Her eyes were sunken but I could see the relief that fled through them when I blinked at her curiously.

"Guys he obviously can't talk. You have to ask him yes or no questions he can blink in response to."  I heard a voice sound out behind my mom's side of the bed. Soon 2 more figures entered my line of vision. It didn't take a genius to know that it was Amber and Tyler.

"On a scale from one to five, how do you feel? One blink is for terrible, five blinks is for mildly okay. Not good because I know you're not good." My mom demanded.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows in amusement as my dad and Amber scowled at her while Tyler rolled his eyes.

"What? It's a blink question!" She exclaimed.

I grabbed her hand until she looked back at me. Once she did I blinked five times. 

She gave me a skeptical look before her eyes flashed with an idea and she pulled a white board and marker off the bedside and handed it to me.

"A nurse came in a brought it so you can write down what you want to say since they can't remove that breathing tube for a while." She responded to my raised eyebrows.

I slowly nodded, and began writing.

'I'm fine... I promise. What happened to your arm mom?'  I slowly wrote out.

My mom softly smiled at me before showing everyone else. 

"Why are you in a hospital bed, Lucas?" She said softly.

Oh. So she was also in the car.

"Well, why don't we let you get some rest? I see the gears turning in that brain of yours" My dad suggested.

My mom bent down to cup my face once more before backing up, and letting Amber come down to kiss my forehead to which I playfully scrunched my face up. Tyler came and tightly held my hand failing to hold back tears, I opened my arms and let him envelop me in a hug. When we released my dad patted my chest and with that they left the room.

1 M O N T H  L A T E R

"Tyler if you drop me, I'm going to slash your tires." I threatened.

 "Luke- I don't even know how to respond to that, I'm stronger than you, remember? It's a freshman college to sophomore high school kid ratio." He sighed

  "Doesn't matter"

 I'm getting back on my feet after a month of bed rest. I was transferred to a special hospital just for cases like mine, at least that's what my doctor told me. It's been a rough road to recovery, some days I can't move due to excruciating pain and other days I'm bouncing all over my hospital bed.

 "Luke you'll never learn if you don't take some risks" Tyler said teasingly

"Tyler Bentley Watson I swear to God if you let of me I'm going to kill you." My voice took a hard edge.


"Tyler, I swear to God."


"Mom are you seeing this?"


"My leg is still broken!"


"I'm gonna die."



He let go.

 I tried to chase after him to get back my base, but he kept backing up. Tyler's face stretched into a grin with every vengeful step I took.  My mom's mouth dropped open and she almost dropped her recording phone while my brother broke into a cheer. I was so enraged I almost forgot to keep standing. Why were they laughing at the expense of my future?

My step faltered and Tyler ran to grab up and set me upright.

"I hate you" I growled.

"Do you even know what you just did?" He asked his smile growing brighter by the minute.

"Yeah, almost died at your hands."

"No stupid, you just walked."

"No I-"


"You little sneak, that was your plan the whole time." I laughed

Tyler grabbed me into his arms as I heard my mom let out cries of protest for her turn. As Tyler was about to walk to me to my mom, she stopped us.

"Wait, honey let me just come to you. That's enough walking for today." She laughed.

All of a sudden, I got an overwhelming headache and the taste and smell of metal surrounded me. It felt like I was drowning in it, it kept getting stronger and stronger. Instead of basking in happiness of my previous achievement, I could feel my knees buckling, instead of smiling, I felt my mouth clench together, instead of standing strong and tall, I fell on the ground in a heap of uncontrollable shaking. I could feel my body taking over and I hated the feeling I was in. It felt like all my insides were going to fall out and be mushed together all at the same time. I heard my mom scream for help and my brother run over to me trying to help. Soon a crowd of feet were all around me and all I could think was this is how it ends.


"Eleanor, you have to understand it isn't your fault. Look at yourself, I can barely recognize my beautiful wife." 

"Thomas I was driving the car. I wasn't paying attention to the road. I was at fault. I mean look at him. Our baby boy lying unconscious in a hospital bed, still fighting for his life after a month. I can't let myself even try to be happy, when I did this." 

"Eleanor no, if Luke was awake right now do you think he'd like to see you like this. He knows it isn't your fault. The 18-wheeler slammed into you guys. It ran a red light. You did everything you were supposed to. I promise."

 The Watson family was huddled in an ICU room as they watched over the youngest member who once again lay comatose. Amber and Tyler entered the room trying to conceal their bloodshot eyes and trembling hands. They were soon brought into a young as all 4 members prayed for the best for their youngest son and brother.


Okay so hi! I am re-writing this book like a chapter a day so if you get a bunch of re-published chapters over and over again, i sincerely apologize!

I hope you guys are staying safe and not going out of your way to catch corona- protect yourselves!!

-hizzy xx

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