chapter 5

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"Ugh" I groaned.

"Hey hey hey take it easy" Tyler whispered. 

My mind started racing, I couldn't focus on anything. 

I looked to my dad. "Where am I?" 

"You're at the hospital."

 "I feel like I've been hit by a truck"I whispered to myself.

 My dad chuckled softly. I could sense the shift in the room. Tyler let his eyes roam uncomfortably around the room, and my dad kept awkwardly clearing his throat, even though there was nothing blocking his airways.

 "What's going on? What happened?" I asked after a moment's hesitation.

 Tyler and my dad looked at each other before my dad narrowed his eyes and Tyler heavily sighed before looking down at me.

"Well, uh you had a seizure." He said cautiously.

"Again?" I sighed. 

"I'm afraid so." My dad nodded.

"Was it like as bad as the first time? Prolonged or whatever?" I asked 

"It was a regular timed one" Tyler reassured.

 "Regular" I laughed.

 My dad placed his hand on my shoulder before giving me a sympathetic look, "Luke, the doctors think it may be permanent." 

"Permanent as in, the rest of my life, permanent, or like temporarily permanent because the nurse never said it would be permanent, y'know just like my stutter-" I rambled before Tyler cut me off.

"Luke, breathe. It's going to be okay. They're going to give you this medication to control them, so you would just have a seizure if you forgot your medication or very rarely on your medication, in that case they'll give you a stronger dosage or give you a new prescription." He told me, seriously.

"What changed?" I whispered.

I saw my dad and Tyler look give each other a worried glance before subtly shifting closer to me.

 "Well when accident happened, your head was already injured but being flung out of the car did just the trick, and the prolonged seizure didn't help matters. So after your seizure the doctors ran some tests and they I guess the damage was worse than anticipated. 

I was in a state of flux. My world kept rocking. Now, it may never return.

3 M O N T H S L A T E R

It's been 4 months since the 18-wheeler hit, and I finally get to go home. My stuttering is almost gone, and my seizures aren't so frequent. I have them a couple times a week, but the doctors started me on something called Levetiracetam and it helps. 

The whole time I was at the hospital I was getting 'home schooled' by this tutor my school sent. It sucked but at least I don't have to repeat freshman year. I had 3 more surgeries for my leg, internal injuries, and seizures. It's May and school is about to end, but, I'd never thought I'd say this, if I'm lucky I get to go to the last couple weeks of school. But for now, all my mom has planed is me being on house arrest.

"You ready, Luke?" Amber said, barging into the hospital room.

"No, I want to stay here forever and have more seizures and surgeries!" I said, rolling my eyes

"Look here, no one asked for the attitude" She said, grabbing me in a headlock.

I immediately jabbed my fingers in her stomach making her yell out in surprise, and in the process freeing me.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wound your feelings or anything" I smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes, "When we get home don't be surprised if I set your room on fire." 

I laughed, as the rest of my family walked in.

"All right guys, we all set to go?" My dad asked

"Careful dad, Luke's in a mood. He might rebel and not want to come home anymore." Amber gasped, mocking me.

I tried to protest but Tyler just had to intervene.

"Oh you want to stay? Oh alright cool, see you later then. Let's go guys" He said, starting to leave the room.

I groaned loudly, "Are you guys done? Had your fun yet?" I deadpanned.

Amber just flashed me a bright smile as Tyler smirked at me.

"Okay guys that's enough. We just signed the discharge papers, so chop chop Luke we don't have all day." My mom ordered.

"Wha- I wasn't even the one wasting time." I protested.

"You're holding us up right now, you heard the woman chop chop Luke." Tyler smiled.

I rolled my eyes and snatched my crutches from his hand, leading the way to the car. I would have to come back in a month or so for the doctor to do a check up on the implanted metal rods. 

"Someone's ready" I heard someone mumble from behind me

"Someone can still hear you." I replied.

"Bye Luke" Nurse Cass, waved.

"Bye Cass" I smiled.

She was my favorite nurse here, she was the only one who would not treat me like glass and tell me the whole truth and nothing but, something my own family had yet to master.

This was going to be my first time leaving the hospital on my own 2 feet in 3 months, needless to stay I was ecstatic. I quickly reached the car throwing my crutches in the back before pausing. How was I going to get in the car?

"Need some help?" Tyler asked from behind me.

I glanced at him for a moment before looking back at the car. Did i really want to jump into the car off one foot, and risk landing completely wrong? Not necessarily.

"Maybe" I muttered

I could practically here the smirk in his voice, "Alrighty"

I feel him pick me up and place me in the backseat before helping me shift my legs over. 

"See that wasn't so bad" 

I glared at him. "You're wasting time, get in the car"

He laughed walking to the other side of the car and getting in.

"Alright is everyone ready?" My dad asked.

"Dad you've asked us that 3 times in about 30 seconds. Yes, we are ready?" Amber sighed.

At least someone understands how I feel.

"Okay, okay my bad" He laughed before taking off.

Home, here we come.


Okay! so that chapter was like kinda short ik, but it was also kind of a filter because like the next 'part' of the book starts next chapter, so this is just the transition to Luke coming home.

Anyways  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote and leave a comment!

-hizzy xx

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