chapter 20

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 L U K E

"Yo wake up".

I groaned.

"Luke we don't have all morning."

I threw my face in my pillow, "Lemme sleep" I complained.

"We are going to be late for school and you won't get to see the rest of the human species you've been begging to see."

I grumbled before falling back into a peaceful slumber.


I was left alone, and I smiled into victory. All of a sudden I feel the Arctic Ocean flood my bed, and I let out the loudest yell and jumped out of bed and onto the floor. I looked up and was met with Tyler's laughing eyes and Amber's phone recording phone.

"I hope you guys suffer a slow and painful death" I mumbled before trudging to the bathroom.

It's the first day of school. Oh crap.

I grabbed my phone and it was 6:30. My siblings may be nuisances, but they look out for me when it matters. I got ready and went downstairs to eat before accepting the beginning of death. Why was I excited for this again?

"Good morning honey, how'd you sleep?" My mom asked.

I grunted in response. I wasn't ready to talk this early in the morning. I swiped a piece of bacon and grabbed my backpack.

"Have a good day at school, Luke! I love you!" My mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Love you too mom" I replied, closing the door

Walking over to Amber's car, I slumped down in the front seat, glaring at the fact that my broken leg was holding me back from completing the 6 months needed to complete my permit requirement. 

A few minutes passed and Amber literally skipped over to the car like a 5-year-old.

"Who drugged your coffee this morning, Amb?" I asked very seriously.

Amber broke out into a fit of giggles backing my theory of Tyler slipping a packet of crack in her coffee. I felt her forehead earning me a swat.

"So, you let Tyler drug you, but you won't let me make sure you're okay." I grumbled.

"Tyler didn't drug me, I laughed because you sound absurd." She replied. "But on a more serious note I need you to listen close."

I gulped.

"I know how stressful school can be, especially since you didn't get to experience your first high school year, aka the most informative high school there is, but you're going to get a lot of attention because of previous events, and I need you to be safe. So, if you're in a situation you don't like, or someone is harassing you, and especially if you feel a seizure coming on, of any type, we got you this bracelet that you have to swear to never take off. Ever. Okay, all you need to do in any of these situations or any situation you just don't like, press this button and I'll hightail it over there okay? And If you are about to have a seizure, this top button is for mom's number and the bottom is for 9-1-1.

"So, you got me the teenage life alert" I softly joked. I look over at Amber to see a grim expression on her face that meant she wasn't playing. "Okay. I swear."

It took a moment, but she finally broke into a wide grin.

"That's more like it, bud. You're a sophomore now, you're all grown." She cooed.

"Get off" I groaned.

She smiled softly, looking at me for a while.

"Is there something on my face?"

She snapped out of whatever trance she was in.

"No no" she whispered. "I'm just glad you're here." She smiled.

I looked down at my fiddling fingers. We never really discuss how close I was to actually dying, but whenever we do it's super uncomfortable. They all just look at me like they can't believe I'm here, which is understandable considering I almost wasn't.

I reached out, enveloping her hand in mine. "Even if not physical, I will always be by your side."

She smiled at me, her eyes watering almost instantly.

"You're going to mess up your mascara" I whispered softly, gently tilting her head upward.

She shook her head, letting out sad chuckles. 

"Oh my gosh, okay it's the first day of school not sad girl hours." She reassured herself, waving at her eyes.

"I love you Amb."

"I love you too Luke." She smiled, finally driving off.

I looked down, inspecting my hands. I guess it really is a miracle for me to be here right now.

Amber's snuck over, wrapping over mine.

"You're okay."

I nodded, I'm going to be.


ugh. like legit ugh. i had NO ideas for this chapter bc i needed the juicy deets for out babies kith last chapter ;) but the way that i set it up it has to wait until we have our biggest Buke shipper... buke? luthany? beth? i like luthany so- anYWAYS.

I'm gonna double update bc i've been like dead which is weird bc i've been doing lit rally NOTHING. anyways yall can thank @FantasyDreamer528 for this update bc i probably wouldnt have- 

you guys- the amount of red on this authors note is astronomical.. just bc YOu dont get my lingo doesnt mean its wrong >:( 

n e waze please vote and comment, ik this chapter is short but keep scrolling bc *gAsP* there's two !

5/19/20 - updated 

-hizzy xx

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