chapter 29

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I smacked down on my alarm so hard I thought it broke. I hate school.

I drug myself out of bed and into my bathroom. Shower, teeth, clothes... the drill. I trudged downstairs and was met with the delicious aroma of morning. Delectable.

"Good morning Luke, how did you sleep?" My mom asked, for too cheerily for how early it is.

Why is everyone happy in the morning? I've conspired a theory that I was forced into a cult where everyone happy, that or Tyler decided to expand his coffee drugging business from only Amber to the whole family.

"Fine..." I replied slowly, eyeing her.

I stared at her until I sensed her discomfort before moving onto my dad. I peered into his soul. His soul. Before dragging myself into Amber's car.

"Bye Amber!" I yelled from outside the car. I started walking into the school that deemed it okay to commence this early 5 times a week.

"Luke wait up!" Ethan jogged up to me. He looked at me weirdly. "What's wrong with you?"

Way to be blunt. "I'm tired and I want to go home and sleep. Everyone is happy and cheery this morning. No one should be happy or cheery in the mornings when you could be sleeping, but no fucking school is a thing and I have to be here. I hate it."

"Oh" he shrugged

"Oh? Get all your questions out, curious George?" I teased

He rolled his eyes at me, "Let's go"

I smirked.

I trudged my way to my first period. I truly hated the class. My counselor was definitely on drugs while making it. I am far too mentally underdeveloped to succeed. I don't care if that question was smart, I'm not.

I plopped down in my seat and waited for James and Cody to get here. I grabbed my backpack and pulled out my binder and reached for my homework when it was suddenly snatched away. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.


"I'm sorry! I couldn't do it last night because Zach kept taking it every time I grabbed my pencil."

"He grabs your work every day, every night?"

"Watch the attitude or you just might not get this back"

"It's min-"

"Ah ah ah. I don't recall stuttering"

"Whatever." I scowled.

The class went on gruesomely slow. By now it was second period and I was officially considering skipping. Today was just lagging and it was boring.

"Hey Luke"

I turned around and the sound of my name.

"Oh hey Beth, what's up?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out after school. We could work on that English project and by that I completely mean Amber driving us to buccee's and you paying for icee's." She smiled

"I wouldn't expect anything else of course. Sure"

"Great see you later, bye!"


I sighed and slumped down at the lunch table. I slammed my head down on my arms and pleaded my time traveling powers to kick in.

"You okay Luke?" Hannah asked.

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