chapter 17

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My heart dropped to the bottom of my chest. I forgot school starts Monday. Here I was having a nice Saturday morning, interrogating Eth, and here they go and drop that bomb on me. I don't know what drug got into me that I thought I'd miss school. It's the devil's playhouse, and I'm NOT looking forward to sailing back over there when I could break down into fits at any given time. I could practically feel the stares I'd receive. Everyone looking at me as if I'm some form of fucking glass. A broken piece, fallen off and shattered into pieces, that everybody wants a piece off.

 Is it too late to advocate for homeschooling? No, if i stay in this house any longer I'll take the car to my neck. 

Tyler and Amber, who were behind my parents, groaned while I just stared into space stuck in my thoughts.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, but I was too engaged in my thoughts to notice, or frankly give  a fuck.

 Ethan and Bethany slowly inched to my side, while everyone else circled around me waving in my face. I decided I'd prank them just this once. This this one time I swear. If they're going to freak out every time I blink twice in the wrong direction.

 When I zoned out at school, mom took me to the doctor, and he said it was an absence seizure. I don't fully understand it, but my doctor said due to the severity of my condition, I couldn't be limited to only one kind of seizure. 

"Luke" My mom whispered.

Am I going to regret this? Fuck yes. Do I care? Fuck no.

" Boo." I jerked causing everyone to jump back as I doubled over laughing. 

My display of immense affection earned acts of assault committed against me, but of course I didn't mind as I laughed my fucking ass off. I couldn't get a gulp of air, but it was in the best way possible.

"Get ready." My mom grumbled, fighting off a smile.

I love you" I called in a a teasing tone.

"Mama E, if your son has bruises all over his body, don't worry it was in good fun." Ethan said, glaring at me.

I smiled sheepishly at him. "Too soon?"

"Way too fucking soon. You get out of the hospital, come home with freaking epilepsy, and then you do this. You're lucky I don't fucking drown you. I still might" 

I blinked. "Sorry?"

Ethan broke out into a smile, "It's okay"

I look over at Beth, who was looking a little more than pale. 

I mentally threw a block at my forehead, fuck me. 

"I'm sorry B" I said standing up and wrapping her in a hug. 

She tensed for a while before wrapping her arms around me tightly. 

"You're not funny, and that means you can't make that joke ever again, at least not so soon." She mumbled into my chest.

"Okay" I said, fighting off a smile. She's adorable.

I pulled away, looking into her eyes watching her brown orbs gloss over with disguised worry.

"I'm fine." I whispered in her ear.

Once she nodded, I fully stepped back, eliciting a loud clap. 

"Okay, now you guys have to help me pick out an outfit."

They groaned.

"Hey, y'all are at my house, you have to do what I say?"

"Ethan wanna go back to mine?" 


"Wha-" I gaped "Wow, wait you guys can't leave I'm crippled, what if my boot falls off my leg or my crutches fall out of the ceiling. You all would be at blame."

They rolled their eyes, Ethan storming into my closet throwing a hoodie at my face, while Bethany does the same with my dresser, throwing a pair of sweatpants at me.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Get dressed, happy" Ethan grunted, closing my door.


this was short but- yeah. N E WAZE. i hope you guys don't hate these authors notes. they're stupid but its basically what i fucking think. Its like having a convo with you but one sided bc everything i think i lit rally type it down. Im real like that lol QuirKy

okay so yeah also do yall have any recommended books bc i feel like i've read all the damn books on this fucking app. It can be anything literally don't hold back send me your whole fucking reading list. the only thing i'm going to not want is k-pop. I'M SORRY I AM BUT PLEASE NO. 

please vote and comment if you dont want me dead for my statement above :)

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