chapter 21

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We pulled up to school and I was attacked by an angry swarm of butterflies pooling around in my stomach.

"Oh God" I muttered, remembering all the events of yesterday. 

I kissed Bethany. I kissed my best friend of 15 years. I kissed a musketeer. Holy shit.

"What? What is it? Are you okay, does anything hurt? Should I call mom? H-"

"Jesus Amber I'm just nervous slow your roll, you got too much dip on your chip"

"I'm taking your phone when we get home."


"Get out."

"I feel the love"


I crawled out the car, failing to control my trembling. Not only am not ready to have everyone staring at me like I'm a new animal at the zoo. I'm not at all ready to see Beth. Amber pulled me into a hug and we just stayed there for what seemed like forever.

"You got it?"

"I hope so."

All of a sudden a thousand lions stormed me and Amber chanting my name like I was their savior. I looked over to see the whole football team along with some of my other friends bee-lining over here. Knowing how crazy they can be I jumped to the side just as they crushed into the car, causing a dent.

"Whoops" Chuckled Ethan. "Would you look at that, I wonder how that got there." Ethan pointed at the barely noticeable dent.

Amber was getting ready to charge them, so I dropped my crutch and gave Ethan a killer glare that said 'Take it and run' to which he listened. I turned back around to Amber and gave her a hug that she needed just as much as I did.

"I'll be okay."

"You better fucking text me every chance you get."

"I will."

I felt hands clamp down over my shoulders, "Don't worry Amby, I'll make sure he's the picture perfect image of impeccable health." Ethan said from behind me.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "Better believe you're paying me back every cent for that dent."

"Amber it's so unnoticeable, I doubt anyone would believe you."

Amber scoffed, turning around, surely ready to explode on Ethan, before her friends, pulled her away. Not without a warning glare to Ethan, of course.

Once she left, Ethan stood in front of me looking at me with an accusing face.

"What?" I asked, shrinking back. He's kinda creeping me out.


"What do you mean?"

"Lucas Reed Watson, I have been friends with your ass for 15 years I know when something is bothering you. Considering Bethany is acting the same way, I know something went down. What?"

I gulped, avoiding eye contact. If I told Ethan, he would without a doubt turn into the most annoying person ever.

"I swear to fuck, what did you do? Did you guys fight? Okay it doesn't matter who was right or wrong you need to apologize. We can't have a falling-"

"I kissed her." I rolled my eyes, cutting off his rambling.

He froze, a smiling tugging on his lips, "Sorry, what?"

"I kissed Beth last night."

He slowly nodded, biting his lips as he stared at the ground, "Excuse me for just a sec." he said turning around walking to the other side of the car.

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