chapter 13

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 A M B E R

"Jesus Christ Luke, can it!" I called out to my obnoxiously loud brother

"Yeah no, whatever's good. Huh- what was that Amber? Speak louder? Alright!" He yelled back.

This little shit thinks I'm playing. I rolled my eyes, but then I realized he couldn't see me. I got up and followed the long hallway down stomping over to his room.

"I'm so serious, I can hear you from down the hallway." I tried to reason.

"Amb. That sounds extremely personal. I can't help it if my voice carries." Luke smiled, cocking his head.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He was sitting in a beanbag in the corner of his room, his laptop set up to a group call between Ethan and Bethany. His chuckle snapped me back into reality.

"If I hear you again, so help me. I will have no restraint."

He rolled his eyes, fake saluting me.

"Thank you" I muttered, stepping back and closing his door.

I took a total of 3 steps. 3 mini steps.

"ANYWAYS! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" Luke literally screamed from his room.

I huffed, hastily opening the door and grabbing one of his pillows.

"Hey Luke. Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I said, hitting him with every word.

He just let out hearty laughs, trying to grab the pillow so he could try to hit me back. A smile graced my face when he fell back, laughing.

"Okay okay sorry."

"Thank you"


"If you don't shut the actual hell up in .5 seconds. I'm going to record your next seizure, and post it on snapchat, instagram, hell I'll even post it on the black market. Quit playing with me and my serenity."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I cupped my hands over my lips and looked at Luke wide eyed. He looked blank at first. His mouth was slightly open, and he dropped his phone on the floor and looked at me as I just went out and murdered a puppy.

"Too much?"

 "Yeah a little bit." He said standing up


"Yeah yeah."

He plopped down on his bed on his phone, aimlessly scrolling. He was quiet now sure, but not at all in the right way. Fuck.

"C'mere" I beckoned him.

He looked up at me warily.

I rolled my eyes, pulling him up by his arm and enveloping him in a hug. Pressing his head to my shoulder, I laid my head on top of his. 

"I'm sorry. You know I'd never do that to you."

"Yeah I know."

"I love you. Even when I say stupid shit you know I'd never do."

"Yeah, I love you too"

Luke seemed to softly cuddle into the hug more, so I just hugged him and stood there feeling like the world's biggest idiot. 

I felt a poke in my side.

I squealed, jumping back, dragging Luke off me.

I glared down at him. "What was that for"

He shrugged, going back to his bed.

I scoffed, putting my hair in a ponytail. 

Tackling him, I tickled his sides. I caught him by surprise, but he recovered and tried to push me off him.

Limbs were flying everywhere, grunts of surprise sounded, and bodies jerked with every poke and tickle.

"Oh my fuck stop okay stop." He said trying to stopped the hectic laughter that sounded.

I rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. "Dude y'know what I could go for?" I asked out of the blue.



"What" He laughed.

"Meatloaf. I don't know why, but I really want some." I sighed.

He hummed, shifting around for what seemed like forever before finally speaking up.

"I'm bored, let's go bother Tyler.


i hope you guys are liking the story so far. I'm not even going to explain my lack of scheduling. It sucks we been knew, what else is up yk.

also i have some pretty great news. I GOT WALNUTS AND CINNAMON. YK WHAT THIS MEANS BANANA BREAD FOR LIFE. im not eating ANYTHING ELSE EVER AGAIN. maybe meatloaf bc just like Amber I am craving some meatloaf so I'm going to go make some : )

This was a filler chapter and the next couple of updated chapters are going to be too. Um if you get this update I don't suggest reading on until I update the chapter 15 becuase it will make no sense so.. yeah

i hope miss rona is treating ya'll well. Please vote and comment!

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