chapter 14

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 L U K E

Amber and I shot up, mischievous grins on our faces. I sat down in my bean bag, plotting ways to make Tyler annoyed because when Tyler was angry it was the funniest shit ever. He would do something incredibly dumb and then immediately regret it, and he has this 'oh shit' moment where he goes blank then he slowly backs up like he's going  to get murdered, which he normally is.

"Dude we should just like bother him all this planning is boring" Amber whined.

"God, you're so impatient" I playfully scowled at her, standing up with a yawn.

"Yeah yeah" she rolled her eyes.

We made the walk down the long stretch to Tyler's room.

There he was displayed on his bed, limbs lazily spread out as he held his phone over his face, voices coming out of the little box.

I looked at Amber as she slowly pushed the door open. We just stared at him as he peaked over the top of his phone.

"What?" He asked flatly.

I took a dramatic inhale, walking in and flopping down over his legs, "We're bored" I whined.

Amber, following my lead, dropped down over his torso reaching for his hair, "Very bored"

"That has nothing to do with me, get out" He said, swatting at Amber's hands.

We just groaned rolling over in our spots.

Idealistically we had Ty trapped, but realistically he was a built freshman college volleyball, and track player.

Amber and I stood 1/4 of a chance. 

"Ugh get off" He groaned, rolling us off him.

I guess Amber's finger accidentally tapped Tyler's stomach because the next thing I knew Tyler let out a 'manly' squeal as he violently jerked.

One look at Amber and we both burst out laughing.

"Did you hear that" Amber barely gasped out, deep laughter controlling her body.

I couldn't even reply as I felt my face drop onto the bed, trying to muffle my own laughter.

"Yeah yeah no laugh it up please I insist." 

I felt fingers start poking my stomach and my laughter increased against my will and I tried to squirm out of the way. 

"Stop" I gasped out, looking up to see that Amber had betrayed me and she was now aiding Tyler in ambushing me.

"Sorry what" Tyler asked, a goofy grin across his face.

I reached my hand up and poked Amber in her neck, watching as she jumped back. She visibly gulped as I sat up, trying and failing to hold back the rest of my laughter. 

Without one final inhale of air, I lunged at Amber.

She squealed, trying to run away but Tyler came up and basically trapped her.

"Luke what the hell we're here to attack Tyler not me"

"You should have thought about that before double siding me"

She thrust her hand up effectively pushing Tyler away as she regained her footing going to pin him down, tickling his sides.

Knowing Ty's strength I came and sat on his torso, as Amber sat on his hands as we tickled him.

"Stop" He basically yelled, his words muffled by laughter.

He squirmed all over the bed, but everywhere he moved we followed.

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