chapter 9

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 A M B E R

 My mom pointed to the door, raising her eyebrow in questioning manner, but Luke leaned back in his wheelchair, crossing his good leg over the other. They had an intense staring contest before Luke, who looked like he was steaming, spoke up. 

"I've been locked up in that hell hole, called home, for weeks, I'm not leaving just because you think I'm dying, if anything it's you guys fault that I am. Not of anything else besides boredom. I can't do anything, not even physical therapy, because 'I'm not ready yet' or 'It's too soon'. That can't even be your call to make, it should be my doctor's and she said I was clear a long time ago. I just sit and stare at the walls, all day long. And it's not like I can stay busy at home because I can't watch T.V, courtesy of you, Amber and Tyler are out and about, you and dad go to work, and that damn tutor knows she taught me everything there is to teach and more, so she stopped coming, and I can't even go outside or be active. So, if you want me to leave you are going to have to drug and drag me out of this school, mother." He snapped, eyes widening as he realized what he said. "And I don't mean it disrespectfully, and I thank you for what you've been doing, but if you take me back home I will legitimately light the house on fire just to see some excitement."

We all just stared at him in shock. He simply sat up in his wheelchair and rolled away, not before telling us to close our mouths because it wasn't that shocking.

I looked at Tyler, silently questioning if I heard him right. I couldn't hold back the surprised laugh that bubbled out of me, and I didn't try to. Soon we were all letting out shocked gasps of laughter. We didn't even know how to respond. Very soon, my shocked laughter turned into real laughter. 

When we all calmed down, I looked at my mom and tilted my head.

"What are we doing now?" I asked.

She sighed deeply, looking at my dad for support.

"I'd feel more comfortable with him at home..." she trailed

"Mom." Tyler reminded

"But, he wants to stay, so we'll let him." She finished reluctantly. 

I gave mom a hug for Luke knowing he had a track record of holding grudges. 

By the time we had finished our little session of whatever you could call it, we realized Luke was not with us. 

"Guys we should really go look for Luke, what if he finds out all by himself?" I questioned.

"I doubt the counselor would let it happen, but lets split up. Come on Amb." Tyler told me, leading me down a separate hallway.

"We'll call you guys" I waved at my parents, letting Tyler drag me away.

 L U K E

We are finally out of that hell hole I call home for all of 5 seconds and they wanna ship me back in already. 

I won't let it happen. Of course, I'll go back eventually, but no way, not now.

 I told my mom off because she should understand better than anyone, after all she was injured a bit too. She had to take a leave from work for like a whole month, by the end of it, she was begging to go back to the job she 'hates'.

I didn't mean to be rude, but I couldn't help it. Out of everyone the person who was to understand the most understood the least. She never listened to me. I would know how much I could handle considering it's my body, but she refuses to listen to anyone but her.

Maybe I over exaggerated. I should go apologize to her. But she'd probably go off on how unsafe it was me for go off on my own. How does she plan on letting me come back to school in the fall if she won't even let me venture the empty school. Which was actually kind of surprising, school ends at 3:30 and it was 4:00. Normally kids have after school events or practice, I know football practice doesn't end until 6:15. Maybe they're just all in their respective classes. 

I took a deep breath before rolling in front of the trophy case. I had always wanted to be part of a team that put a championship trophy in here. That's probably unlikely. I need to stop doing this, people are dying in the world. Playing football is not a priority in my life right now. 

I sighed before rolling back to where I left everyone before I went off into the depths of the school. 

This was kind of a waste of a freshman year. I didn't go to hoco, or joined clubs, or stayed up until 3 AM procrastinating. I only played like 3 games, I just got assigned my buddy for the season. The buddy system is just like big brother. An underclassman is usually paired with a upperclassman. The upperclassman are supposed to 'guide' the underclassman, get them caught up on everything to know about high school and how to have a successful year. The idea is pretty arbitrary, but according to Ethan it's pretty fun, pulling pranks on other pairs and doing team building competitions. 

I already knew my buddy would be ashamed to have me. I couldn't even stand up without crutches for Christs sake. He won't be able to pull pranks without me lagging behind and consider team building exercises out of the question. My upperclassman was named James. I only met him once, but apparently Ethan had his best friend Zach, Ethan had mentioned Zach saying James was far from upset. But I know pity remarks when I hear them.

I wasn't going to worry myself with that now anyways. I need to stop letting my thoughts roam wild, that why I'm so fucked up. Think rash, it's really not hard.

 So here I am at Silver Creek High school, walking back to my family before they abandon me, like I know they want to.


okay. My update schedule has turned to absolute ass, holy shit. I'm sorry.

anyways I know this was late, but i hope you guys liked it. I have half a mind to just start combining chapters because I wrote super short chapters and adding on extra detail without seeming like I'm dragging on is so hard for literally no reason

but what did you guys think of this chapter?

please vote and comment!

-hizzy xx

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