chapter 22

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L U K E 

I took a deep breath and walked in.

"What the fuck?" I muttered

 As soon as the crutch hit the tile of the cold school floor, stares were sent my way. Gasps and fingers clouded my peripherals. I mean everyone in the hallway was fucking staring at me. There was not a single person minding their own business.

"Fame" Ethan whispered in my ear.

"This is not fucking fame this is stalkerish" I snapped quietly.

I glared at him and he plastered on a cheeky smirk. I wacked his leg and made my way to my to my first period.

I found a seat, and dropped my crutches on the floor and waited for the rest of my class to come in. One by one, upperclassmen trinkled in and filled the class. I looked around horrifically to see I was the only sophomore in this class. I reached for my crutches to flee the room to escape further embarrassment, when the teacher walked in.

"Welcome to AP World Geography! I am Mrs. Razzner and we are going to have one great year!"

I picked up my schedule. 'Period 1: AP World Geography- Mrs. Razzner'

"Oh fuck" I whispered to myself.

"Any problem there, Mr..."

"Luke, and uh no, just uh n- nothing."

"Alrighty then, do you mind if I take a glance at your schedule, Luke"

I handed her my schedule and fiddled with my hands while she studied it intensely.

"So, you're a smart one huh, Mr. Watson?"

It took me a moment to figure out how in the world she knew my last name, before I realized she was just practically oozing over my schedule.

"I guess?"

I was saved when the bell rung signally it was time for class to start.

I took a sigh of relief and tried to disappear when a junior cleared his throat, catching my attention.

I turned around to see a tall guy with short golden brown hair and a tan face and green eyes that for some reason looked brown.  If Ethan were here he'd surely be drooling by now. He tends to do that with every relatively attractive guy he sees.

I raised my eyebrows at him as a response, embarrassed to admit I was paying attention, instead thinking about how much I would tease Ethan if he were. I really wish I didn't choose WHAP.

"Cody" He held out his hand to me.

"Luke" I steadily replied.

"If you want to survive this class and all of your other classes, with a bunch of upperclassmen, keep your mouth shut and your head down got it?"

I nodded in response and he chuckled.

After 50 minutes of feeling eyes shooting daggers at me, and hearing Mrs. Razzner drag on about how much fun AP World Geo was going to be, the bell rung freeing me from torture.

The rest of my classes were bearable, I had second with Ethan and a bunch other teammates, and third with Amber and her 'posse' who thought I was 'The Cutest Thing Ever' which amber strongly fought against.

I made my way to lunch alone because Ethan just had to forget to put away his football equipment before school started. I walked into the cafeteria, thanking mom for packing me a lunch despite my protesting because there was no way I was going to be able to carry a tray, and looked around for an empty table.

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