chapter 19

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A knock on the door pulled my attention away from my phone. 

"Come in" I called out.

Beth's head popped in my doorway, a smile on her face.

"Hey" I smiled, sitting up "Is Eth downstairs?"

"No, he's freaking out and didn't want to be told to think rationally."



"Right." I nodded

She plopped down on my bed, nestling her head on a pillow as a pout overtook her lips.

"No" I rolled my eyes.

"Why not?"

"Grey's Anatomy is so boring"

"To who?"


"Luke Watson, you take that back right now!"

I rolled my eyes, "You can't deny the truth"

When she didn't reply I looked back to see her pouting and flashing puppy eyes. 

I scrunched my nose up, looking down. "You're lucky I'm nice"

She let out an excited laugh as I went to set up my computer.

5 episodes later and I watch as Bethany's arm reaches over to close my laptop.

I raise my eyebrow at her, "Didn't you want to watch the show."

"Yeah, but if I watch it all with you I'll have nothing to watch tonight because Ethan will have my head if I watch ahead on The Society"

I laughed, recalling how adamant Ethan was on starting a Netflix series together and absolutely no one going ahead.

"So" Bethany drawled, looking at up at me. 


"School starts on Monday."

"You're kidding, no fucking way"


"Sorry" I laughed, "yeah school starts on Monday, what about it?"

"Are you ready?" She asked, concern laced throughout her brown eyes.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" 

"Well I mean your medical bracelet isn't here, what happens if something goes wrong and you're all alone and we won't be able to help you"

I tilted my head, "B, I'm not helpless. If I have a seizure, I have a seizure and then I go about my day. It's nothing new."

"And if it's a bad one?"

"Then I hope someone finds me and calls 9-1-1."

She swatted my chest, "You're not funny"

"I think I happen to induce some laughs"

She rolled her eyes, "I'm just worried, how come you don't care?"

I sighed, "I'm not not worried, I just don't see the point in freaking out over the inevitable. I'm going to have some seizures, they are going to be scary, but I'm going to be okay. You don't need to be worried."

"What if you got a service dog."

"I'm not getting a service dog."

"Why not!?"

"No. I'm not going to pull up to school with a fucking dog by my side. Let me pick a struggle."

She rolled her eyes exasperatedly, "There's no real disadvantage. It's common knowledge that you were in a car crash, it'll help you if you have a seizure when you're alone, and dogs are fucking adorable."

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