Mick °1°

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I didn't dare look at it. I had recently been feeling so sick lately, especially in the morning. Mick and I had been getting very close, yknow, and even though we always did use protection, it doesn't always work. So, I decided to secretly get a pregnancy test and see if it was positive or not.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, I took a deep breath and picked it up. I turned it over to find two pink stripes, it was positive. "Oh my God!" I put a hand over my mouth and started to cry, happy tears of course. But what about Mick? We had both discussed about having children, but we thought we would wait awhile. After I thought about it, I was actually nervous to tell him.

I heard a knock at the door which snapped me out of my thoughts, I went out and answered it. The guys all invited themselves in. "What's new with the Mrs." Keith joked. "Where's Mick?" I asked. "Ah, he left something in the car, he should be in." Brian made himself a drink. "Would you like something to drink love?" he asked me. "Scotch on the rocks please." I sat down. "Oh shit." I thought. "Actually nevermind." I quickly stood up and told him.

"Ok." he gave me a look of uncertainty. "What's wrong with you?" Keith asked. I smiled,"I'm pregnant." I looked at all of them. "Thats great!" they all engulfed me in a large hug."What's all this about?" Mick walked in and laughed. I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes. "Love, I'm pregnant." I took both his hands in mine. "You are?" his eyes lit up. I hummed and a tear ran down my cheek. He swept me up and gave me a deep, meaningful kiss.

"I'm going to be a father!" he smiled. "And were all going to be uncles!" Keith shouted. I laughed and Mick set me down and held onto my hand. "I think it's going to be a girl." Brian spoke up. "Really, I think its a boy." Bill told him. "You should name it after me." Keith looked at both of us. "Like that wouldn't be confusing." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

9 months later:

The baby was due any day now, I was so uncomfortable and I felt so sick and tired. I woke up to Mick next to me,"Morning my love." he softly whispered and started to kiss down my neck. "How's our little one today?" he kissed my stomach, I giggled. "Well, they are making mommy a little sick this morning." I rubbed my stomach. "Thats not very nice of you." Mick talked to my stomach.

"But they can't wait to meet their daddy, can they?" I cooed. I felt a kick which made me jump a little,"Mick their kicking!" I excitedly sat up. Mick put his hand on my stomach,"Daddy can't wait to see you either, he loves you." he rubbed my baby bump. He felt the baby kick and a huge childish grin spread on his face.

We both got up and walked into the dining room,"Still no baby, huh?" Keith asked. "Nope." Mick helped me sit down. "Uncle Brian can't wait to see you!" he touched my stomach. I loved how sweet all the guys were to the baby, and they weren't even born yet. "Would you like some tea love?" Mick asked me. "No I'm good, thanks baby." I lifted myself out of the chair and went to go get my book.

I walked to the bedroom and got the book. As I was going back into the kitchen where the rest were at, a huge pain came into my stomach and I felt my water breaking. I whimpered and put a hand on my stomach. "Mick, Mick! The baby's coming!" I shouted. Everyone rushed into the room. Brian called for the car, Keith grabbed our luggage, and Mick took my hand and led me outside. "Mick, it hurts, it hurts so bad." I cried. "I know my gem, I know. Just breathe, remember, deep breaths." he calmly walked me out.

When we all arrived to the hospital, I got my own private room and Mick came in with me. "Are you ready to be a daddy?" I asked him. "Absolutely." he smiled. I just kept breathing, Mick was by my side the whole time. "You're so brave my gem, keep breathing." he soothingly told me. "Alright Mr. and Mrs. Jagger, let's see your baby." the doctor told us. I was in so much pain, I was sweating, I felt miserable.

"We need you to start pushing, love." the nurse told me. I started pushing with all my strength, I only focused on pushing. I screamed and cried,"Keep pushing!" the doctor told me. "You're doing wonderful my love." Mick looked into my eyes and gave me a reassuring smile. I gave one last painful push, and the our baby was finally here.

"It's a girl." the doctor held up our baby. Tears streamed down my face,"she's gorgeous." I whispered. The nurse went to clean her up. "Would you like to hold her Mr. Jagger?" the nurse asked him. He nodded his head, speechless. "Do we have a name yet?" the nurse asked us. "Lily Jasmine Jagger." I looked at our baby and then to Mick. "I love it." he told me. "I'll let you both have some alone time and then you can bring in some of your visitors." she informed us and then exited the room.

"I love you my little Lily Jasmine." he cooed to her. She opened up her eyes and reached out to Mick and held his finger. He kissed her small hand and she smiled. "Look at my little girl, you look just like your mommy." he smiled up at me. He handed her to me,"My little baby girl is so beautiful, yes she is!" I smiled. "You've got such gorgeous big eyes, just like your daddy's." I cooed.

A knock came at the door,"Come In." I softly looked up. All the guys came in,"How are you doing, love?" Keith asked me. "Very tired." I smiled. "Is this my little niece?" Brian smiled. "This is Lily Jasmine Jagger, would you like to hold her?" I asked him. He smiled,"Of course." I gently handed her to him. He couldn't stop smiling,"My names Brian, were going to have so much fun, aren't we Lily, we'll drive mommy and daddy insane!" she smiled back at him.

Everyone got to see her and we all fell absolutely in love. Mick and I were so ready to be the best parents that we could be. She made us smile and we loved her so much, our little Lily Jasmine Jagger.

 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞(𝐞𝐝) 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now