°Brian 7°

679 17 3

I got home late from work that evening, especially because I had to stop at the market to pick up a few things to make dinner for Keith and I. Taking out my keys, I manged to unlock the door of our flat. "Keith, I'm home my love!" I walked to the counter and set down the few bags I had. The only sound heard was the click of my heels on the hardwood floors, and? And something else. What was that sound?

I set what I was holding down and followed the strange sound."Keith?" I opened our bedroom door. I saw Keith making love to another woman. "Kaylee!" he shouted in surprise. I flipped the light on and the woman blushed, pulling the sheet to cover up her exposed body. "No." is all I said and pulled out my suitcase. "Kaylee, no don't pack." he sighed. I ignored him, packing what I would need for awhile. "Please leave, I'm guessing you didn't know about me, but please leave this place right now." I told the woman. She quickly nodded and rushed to put her clothes back on.

"She meant nothing to me love, nothing." Keith reached and grabbed my hand. I stood still, tears started to spill down my cheeks. He sat up and started to kiss up my neck and to my lips, I leaned into it a little bit. "No!" I screamed and pulled away, backing away to the door of the bedroom. "You can't do something like that to me, then expect us to kiss and forget, it doesn't work like that Keith!" I screamed. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry." he frantically apologized.

"I need to go." I whispered and swiftly walked out of the room and out of the flat. But, the problem was, I didn't have a clue where to go. I got in my car and sped away, I knew where I was going now. A heavy rain poured from the gloomy gray clouds above. I kept on driving,"Don't you do it, don't let him do this to you, Kaylee." I tried to hold back tears. But, they flowed down, like the drops of rain from the clouds above.

"Fuck!" I angrily slammed my hands against the steering wheel in frustration. What had I ever done to Keith that he would hurt me so much like this? Nothing. I had done nothing to him, he was just a waste of time and love, that I'd never get back, wasted time and love. I pulled up to the small flat and parked my car. I checked myself in the mirror and wiped away some of the tears threatening to spill. I got out of the car and grabbed my suitcase.

I slowly walked up to the flat, even though I was getting soaking wet from the rain, I really didn't care. I knocked on the front door and waited for the person to answer. I doubt they would, it was late and they'd probably be in bed. I heard them unlock the door and they opened it. "Kaylee?" the soft accent tiredly asked. "I'm so sorry Brian, it's so late, and you're sleeping, a-and-"

"You're soaking wet love! Come in, don't  worry about me." he grabbed my suitcase and gestured for me to come inside. "Here, I'll get you a towel and some new clothes." he walked upstairs, then emerged a few minutes later with a towel and a plain shirt. "Thank you so much Brian, this really wasn't necessary." I gave a weak smile. "Nonsense, now go." he walked into the other room.

I dried myself off and changed into the tshirt, it was a little big on me, but I didn't mind. I walked into the living area where Brian was. "I made us some tea." he smiled and patted the seat next to him. "Oh, thank you so much, I really needed this." I sat down and held onto the mug, staring at the fire in the fireplace in front of us. "So, care to explain why you're at my place at two in the morning with a suitcase? Is it you and Keith?" he asked. I looked down at my tea and then faced him. "Keith cheated on me." I nodded at him.

"I'm so sorry, love. How did it happen?","Well I got home, heard a weird noise, followed it, then caught it sucking Keith's dick." I bitterly explained. Brian just stared at the fire in front of us. "What's wrong with me Brian, why me?" a tear escaped and rolled down my cheek. "Nothing, absolutely nothing." Brian looked into my eyes. "I really thought he was the one, y'know?" I whispered and broke down. I shivered, Brian draped a blanket across my shoulders. He pulled me close to him and I cried into his warm and loving embrace, he didn't pull away, he let me cry and cry.

I finally calmed myself down. "But, it's over now, it's in the past." I took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry Brian, its so ridiculous to have come here and cry to one of his mates about it, so silly, I'll just go and stay at a hotel. Thank you so much for everything, I promise I'll make it up to you, do like pie?" I rambled and stood up to get my suitcase and leave. Brian grabbed my hand as I was about to walk away.

He pulled me into his lap and passionately and roughly kissed me. When we finally ran out of breath, we stopped."So that's a yes about the pie?" I whispered. He laughed and layed me flat on the couch, getting on top and sending warmth and love tingling through my body.

"I've loved you since the day I met you Kaylee, and now you're mine, and I'm yours. I will never hurt you, I'll fill you with so much love and happiness, dear." he whispered in my ear as he planted soft kisses down my neck and to my collarbone. I ran my hands through his beautiful blonde hair, and pulled his face to mine, I tugged on his bottom lip."Me and you, were going to be forever, me and you Brian Jones, always and forever." I smiled.

 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞(𝐞𝐝) 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now