°Mick 3 Part 2°

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I had packed all my stuff up the following week and kissed my mother goodbye. I got a car to the airport and eventually got on the plane. It was about an hour and fifteen minute flight, it was a little weird being the only thirteen year old there. I wondered who Mick had married and impregnated this time. I think it was that Bianca chick. I hope she wouldn't want me to call her "mum" or anything, I wasn't even comfortable calling Mick "dad".

As I was deep in my thoughts, the flight attendent announced our landing. I grabbed my carry on and exited the plane. I went to baggage claim and found my other suitcase. A man tapped me on the shoulder,"Excuse me miss, are you Kaylee Jagger?" he asked. "Yes, that's me." I nodded. "I'm here to take you to Villa Nellcôte, your father and the band's mansion." he explained.

"Well, let's go then." he picked up my luggage and we walked to the car. Of course some of the press were there too, drilling me with questions, I ignored them and got into the car, and we drove away. I was very nervous and a little mad, but I just tried to calm myself down.

After a short drive later, we arrived at the massive villa. We pulled up to the entrance and the driver opened the door for me. I stepped out and walked up to the large, fancy doors. "You can do this Kaylee, you can do this." I told myself and took a deep breath. I gave the door two sharp knocks. A woman, that I assumed was the maid, answered the door.

"Ah, Miss Jagger, please come in your father and his friends are outside, right this way." I walked in and she shut the door behind me. "Welcome to Villa Nellcôte, let me show you the way." she spoke in her French accent. "I can find it, but thank you madam." I smiled. "You're very welcome miss Jagger." she nodded and swiftly walked away.

I took a deep breath and looked around the magnificent home, it smelled like pot, but I expected that. I heard some people conversing and laughing so I followed the voices. There they were, Mick's back was facing me, but there they all sat in their rock and roll glory. "Hello." I quietly spoke up and stood in the doorway heading out to the patio.

Everyone stopped and stared at me, Mick turned around. "You're here!" he smiled and stood up. "Wow, you've grown up alot since I've last seen you." he put an arm around me. "Well, I think the last time you saw me I was just learning to walk." I remarked. I pulled away from him. "Right, well this is everybody. And this is my beautiful wife Bianca." he walked over to her and pulled her close to him.

She looked me up and down, I could tell she was the type of person that was very self absorbed and cared about nothing except material items. I nodded my head,"Where's my little sister or brother, theirs one of them bound to be here by now." I looked at them both. "Jades sleeping." he ran a hand through his hair. "Thought so." I nodded. "You shouldn't talk to your father like that." Bianca spoke up. "He's not my father, father's don't do things like that to their daughters." I turned around and started to walk away.

"Do you know-" Mick started. "I know where my rooms at." I spoke up and continued walking inside. A tear slipped down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away and kept walking. I opened the door to my room and looked around. Still the same, nothing had changed. I saw my bags on the bed and thought I would start unpacking.

I sat by the window and stared outside, Keith and his son were playing around, I let a few tears slip out and down my cheeks. Why couldn't Mick have done those things with me? I didn't want to be here, I wanted to go back home. I heard a soft knock on my door,"Come in." I blankly stated. "I'm Anita, were all sitting down for dinner, Mick wanted you to come down and join us." she informed me.

"I'll be down." I continued to look out the window. "Ok." she closed the door and left. I got up and cleaned myself up, I proceeded to walk down the stairs and into the dining room. I took a seat and the cook brought out dinner. I wasn't too hungry and picked at it. "Is their something wrong with your food?" Mick asked.

"No." I stated. "So, how was your flight Kaylee?" Anita smiled. "Why would you care?" I gave her an irrated look. "Don't talk to her like that." Keith spoke up. "My flight was fine, thank you for asking Anita." I bit my bottom lip in frustration. "Please be civil Kaylee, I'm trying my best." Mick angrily spoke up. I slammed my fork down on the table and stood up.

"You're trying your best?" I scoffed. "You've never tried, period!" I shouted. "I didn't invite you here to be like this!" Mick stood up and shouted back. "Then why the hell did you invite me Mick? You thought that since it's been about ten years, you'd give it another go?" I screamed. "That was ten years ago Kaylee, why can't you just move on, I did!" he screamed back. "Thats exactly what you did, you moved on. I understand that it was this band or nothing, but you couldve called, you could've sent letters, you could've visited. You chose to leave us behind and send a letter on holidays, if you cared to send them at all." I cried.

"You missed everything, and now you want to act like nothing ever happened, but I can't do that, and if you can't do it either than just send me back home." Mick just stared at me. "I'm not letting you slip away, Julia and I agreed that you would spend the next couple months here. Theirs not a day that goes by when I don't regret what I did to you, I was stupid and selfish, and I'm sorry. I want us to start over, please." he waited for me to answer.

"I would love that." I nodded and walked over to him,"What're you doing?" he asked. "I'm giving you a hug." I hugged him. He was shocked for a second, then hugged me back. "I'm sorry Kaylee." he whispered. "I know you are, I apologize for how I acted when I arrived, it was very rude of me." we let go and I walked up to my room. This wouldn't be so bad, I would very much like to develop a relationship with my father, and he was ready to as well. Finally, I've waited for this for years, and here I was, finally.

~This is the end of the two part Mick imagines, hope you enjoyed!~

 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞(𝐞𝐝) 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now