°Keith 5°

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A/n: Dedicated to our birthday boy today, we love you Keef! Can't believe our babe is 76 today! :')
"Baabbyyy." I straddled his sleeping form and kissed his forehead. I ran my fingers through his dark chestnut hair. He slowly started to awake and a satisfied, sleepy smile spread to his lips. "Happy birthday my strong, beautiful, wonderful man." I whispered against his lips.

He connected them and ran his large, warm hands down my small, bare frame. I giggled and he chuckled, embracing me in his comforting and strong arms. "Today you get anything you want, anything." I smiled and pecked the top of his hand.

"Well I've already got everything I need." his breathtaking accent cooed in my ear, his lips sending a trail of kisses down my neck. I shivered and let out a soft moan. The love began to deepen and intense and a little while later both of us lay just like before, with a content feeling bubbling inside us.

"I have to get up and make you breakfast and give you your present." I told him. "Nooo, don't go." he whined. "Ok." I snuggled back into him. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Go on angel, I'll be waiting right here for ya." he brushed the hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear.

I pecked his cheek and stood up. He smacked my bum and I giggled,"Ow Keef, that hurt me." I innocently pouted. "Oh my sweet angel, I didn't mean to hurt you, c'mere and I'll make you feel better." he pulled me back to him. I grinned and played with his hair, combing my fingers through it and sighing in satisfaction.

"Has anyone told you that your hair is dark just like the night sky?" I softly asked. "Only you angel." he placed his hand on my thigh, lightly caressing it. "That would make me your stars, you can't have the night sky without its golden stars cheering it on." I explained.

"I love you my starshine." he smiled. "I love you too my birthday baby." I kissed the top of his head. "I have to give you your present, ok?" I stood up and slipped on my short, silk nightie with dainty little straps.

I went downstairs and into the dining room. "Morning everyone." I smiled and went over to a small box across the room. "Mornin love, Keith up then yet?" Charlie asked. "Mhm, but were kind of busy at the moment, sorry." I sweetly explained.

"We certainly heard your business." Mick mumbled. I giggled and bent down to the box. "Hello! Aww, yes I see you, I see you! Daddy's just going to love you, yes he is!" I cooed to the little puppy in the box. "You good there love?" the rest looked concerned. "Mhm." I nodded, not even looking up.

I lifted the little golden puppy out of the box and started towards the stairs. "Awww." all the other girls gathered around me and beamed at the small angel. "You're tellin me that thing was in that box over there the whole time and none of us new about it?!" Mick was shocked.

"Don't be mean Mick, he's just a little fella." Bianca held him. "It's Keith's present, I snuck out earlier this morning and found this little guy and new that Keith would love him." I excitedly explained.

"How come you never got me a puppy Mick?" Bianca frowned. He rubbed the back of his neck,"We'll just steal this one when no one's looking." he told her. "I think not." I frowned and she handed him back to me.

"Angel, you comin!?" Keith shouted up from the bedroom. "See ya everyone, bye Mick." I waved the puppy's little paw at him. He chuckled and went back to his paper. I smiled and eagerly went back to Keith and I's bedroom.

I stood outside the door and grinned,"Alright baby! Close your eyes!" I instructed him. I heard him chuckle,"Are they closed?" I checked. "They're closed angel." he confirmed.

I walked in the room and sat in front of him, crossing my legs like an excited child. "Hold out your arms." I told him. He put out his arms and I gently placed the little fur child in them. He looked a little alarmed and opened his eyes.

"He says happy birthday daddy!" I smiled. "Hello little fella, aww look at you." he grinned. "Do you like him then?" I asked. He laughed,"I love him! Thank you so much angel." he kissed me. "A name?" I asked him. "Dusk." he nodded. "It's perfect!" I exclaimed. We played with Dusk the whole day and Keith told me it was one of the best birthdays he's ever had.

 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞(𝐞𝐝) 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now