°All (Brian, Mick, And Keith) Part 2°

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Once I found everything I smoothed out my hair and adjusted the jacket. "Alright, I'll be back." I went to the register and set down the basket. The man eyed my top and I noticed his stare, he quickly looked away and continued to ring up my stuff. He gave me my total and I looked around like I was completely dumbfounded. "You see, I think I misplaced my purse, silly me." I giggled. I looked in my bra, acting like I might have put it in there.

He blushed,"You wouldn't mind if a poor little lady like me took these groceries off your hands, I'm just completely famished." I leant over the counter and whispered. He grinned,"Of course, it's on me." he handed the bags to me. "Thank you so much, you're a gem dear." I smiled and winked.

He nodded and I walked away and over to the others, they stood in complete shock. "Come on, I'm tired." I walked out. They followed me and I turned to them,"See how stupid you guys are, that was like two bags of food he just gave me for free because I touched my tit." I rolled my eyes.

I got us a ride back to their flat and we got out and walked up the steps. Brian unlocked the door, and they all went in. I hesitantly went in last and closed the door behind me. Their were beer bottles, cigarette butts, and just a whole mess of clothes and records everywhere.

I cleared my throat and stepped over the mess and into the kitchen, well the tiny fridge and the couple of cabinets with a small stove covered with cigarette ash and unknown substances.

The sink was piled high with filthy dishes and more cigarettes. I put the groceries in the fridge and walked into the living area. "What's takin you so long, come and sit." Keith messed around on a guitar. "Who does your laundry and cleaning?" I asked. "Well my mum does our laundry sometimes and then we uh take turns sleepin with the chicks in the flat below us and they do some of our cleaning and laundry." he told me.

I nodded, then smacked each of them in the back of the head,"What in the fuck is wrong with all of you! You're all going to help me clean this up!" I shouted. "Ok, ok calm down." Keith and Mick stood up. "Dishes. Fridge. Sink." I pointed. They went off and started to clean up. Brian layed on the sofa, sleeping. "You, you're going to help me in here." I grabbed a few things to help clean up.

He didn't budge,"Lewis Brian Hopkin Jones, get your ass up!" I yelled. He just turned over and ignored me. "Brian, so help me God, I will take this Muddy Waters record and snap it in half if you don't get up and clean!" I pulled the record out of the sleeve and held it above my knee, ready to snap it. "NO!" he flung himself up.

After a long, long process of me scrubbing and cleaning, it was finally finished. The rest had given up on me somewhere after the first two hours. I stood up and dusted myself off. "It's done, I just need to dump this bucket." I carried it over to the window. I unlatched it and picked the bucket up, dumping out the filthy water I used to scrub the floors.

I wasn't paying much attention when I heard an angry yell. I looked out and noticed I had spilled it out all over a passerby. I gasped and threw the bucket outside and shut the window real quick. "Holy shit!" I shouted. "What?" Brian groaned. "I just spilled out that shit water on someone!" I made sure the door was locked and sat down.

They all laughed,"Oh I feel terrible." I sighed. "Eh, he probably deserved it." Brian smiled. "Well, it's all done, and look! You have floors! Floors!" I exclaimed. "Thank God for floors!" Keith mocked me. "Shutup, I did most of the work." I sat down. "A chair that isn't covered in cigarette butts and dirty socks." I smiled to myself.

"I called your mum Keith, and she's coming to collect all the laundry tomorrow." I informed him. "Good, I'm out of clean trousers." he stood up. "Wait, it's like seven in the morning, don't you have to go home?" he asked. I paused,"I can't." I mumbled. "Kaylee." they all groaned. "I'm eighteen anyway, I'm out of school and if I have to live with my parents any longer I'm gonna strangle myself!" I explained.

"There's already like five of us living here, and I don't think the others will be ok with a chick living here." Mick explained. "I'll clean for you every day and cook, I can steal us food and get a job to pitch in on rent." I offered.

They thought about it,"I won't get in the way, I can take a joke, and I'll sleep on the floor." I pleaded. "You have done ALOT and you are cool, not annoying, fine." Brian agreed. "EEE THANK YOU LEWI!" I hugged him. "What did I say about calling me that!" he groaned and shrugged me off. I grinned,"I'm gonna go get my stuff, thank you guys, I promise you will not regret this!" I put on my jacket and went out the door.
~I really liked writing these two, I feel like I have alot of ideas for this so maybe I'll make it into a series❣️~

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