°Brian 13 Part 3°

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A/n: Alrighty, last part of this imagine for ya! It's a little longer because I didn't want to make a whole other part for this so enjoy a lengthy chapter babes!❣️
I sat in the little cafe like area of the hotel and drank some coffee and smoked a cigarette, reading the paper for today. "Anything new then?" Brian sat in front of me. I held the paper up higher so I didn't have to look at him. I heard him sigh and I felt like an ass so I spoke up,"Weather's rainy tommorow, stuff happened in Vietnam, Beatlemania is taking over the globe." I told him and lowered the paper.

He smiled,"Good to know.","What do you want Jones?" I impatiently asked. He rubbed the back of his neck,"Look, I'm sorry ok, I- I was being a-","A squirmy, annoying little rat." I stated. He frowned,"Jeez. Well...yeah I was and I'm sorry. I didn't know about.. yknow." he admitted.

"About what?" I straightened up. "You and your uh ex boyfriend." he flinched. "Oh." I sighed and took a sip of my drink and put out my cig. "So you're not gonna pound me with your cup?" he questioned. I shook my head,"Nah, you're too pretty." I shrugged. He chuckled. "Fucker really hurt me yknow, I really thought it was gonna work with him, how silly." I scoffed.

"I can't imagine hurting someone like you.","Really? Pffttt, my heart gets broken all the time. I'm sorta used to it, but him.. I thought he was it." I stared at my cup. Brian reached out and held my hand, I looked up and he smiled. It was warm and actually gave me the chills. "You look so tired, how about I walk you up to your room and you can sleep?" he asked. "Yeah, ok." I nodded.

We went back up and he took me to my room, never letting go of my hand the whole time. "I'll um.. sleep well." he let go of my hand and went into his room. I went into my room and back to bed once more. I layed there and felt lonely, more lonely than usual. I wrapped the comforter around myself and sighed. I stood up and reluctantly knocked on Brian's door. I stood back and waited.

He answered and I frowned,"My bed was too cold." I stated. He stepped aside and I walked in, plopping onto his bed and falling asleep. He sat in a chair on the other side of the room and I sat up and frowned. "But I'm cooollddd." I complained. He chuckled and got in next to me. I snuggled into him and smiled,"Still cold then?" he amusingly asked. "Nope, nice and toasty now." I told him.

"Maybe that's because you've got ten blankets wrapped around yourself?" he questioned. "Hmm, maybe." I comfortably fell asleep. He chuckled and fell asleep next to me.

"Hey, wake up now! We gotta go and eat!" A pounding on the door awoke us both. "Shit!" we both panicked. I sprung up and hid behind the door. Brian opened it,"Yeah yeah I'll be down in a sec I just have to wash up and stuff." he told Keith. "Alright then, we're all downstairs." he left. "The coast is clear, go go!" he told me. I sprinted into my room and closed the door behind me.

I sighed in relief and went to wash up and change. I put on a pair of purple, corduroy flared trousers and a rainbow striped sweater. I put on a pair of purple platforms and grabbed my guitar and put on some sunglasses. I took the elevator down to the lobby and walked over to the table.

"Mornin Kaylee!" Victoria chirped. "Wow, you got some electric style." Keith told me. "Yeah, Kaylee's known for that, she can pull off practically anythin!" Ivy smiled. "And some pretty electric hair." Mick added. "Damn, how can you play with hair like that?" Keith chuckled. "Turn around and I'll show ya." I remarked.

"Oh zing!" Brian laughed at Keith. "Do you have a show today?" Bill asked us. "Yeah, six o'clock." Lillian told him. "Groovy." he nodded. "So what do you all play?" Charlie asked. "Victoria's vocals and tambourine, Luna's lead, Lillian's Drums, Ivy's bass, and I'm rhythm and harmonica." I listed.

"Well jeez, could've said it a little slower." Luna frowned. "So you're rhythm then aye?" Keith smirked. "Mhm." I nodded. "Play us somethin then, we'll see if you're really rhythm." Brian challenged me. I completely put down my paper and glared at him.

"What song?" I opened my case. He thought,"I wanna be your man, but our version." he smirked. I tuned my guitar and leaned back in my seat. "Do you want me to hold your sunglasses?" Victoria asked. I looked up at her and scowled. "Uh nevermind, uh go on, go on." she urged me.

"Do you know how to play slide?" he asked me with a devilish grin. "I know how to play slide guitar." I growled at him. "Just checkin, proceed." he nodded and sat back. "Kaylee's really good at slide!" Ivy chirped. I frowned,"Thanks mum, can I play now?" I impatiently asked.

"Yeah, go on." she smiled. I started out and eventually began to sing. "I wanna be your lover baaabyyy I wanna be your maaaann! I wanna be your lover baabbyyy I wanna be your maaannn! I wanna be your maaannn, I wanna be your maaannn, I wanna be your maaannn, I wanna be your maaaaannnn!" I sang in a lower, more raspy voice that fit the song and its whiney plea.

I did the solo and everything. I brushed away my hair and adjusted my glasses when I finished. Victoria and the ladies clapped and I chuckled. The lads all just sat there, looking kind of stupid and shocked. I put the guitar back in the case and lit a cigarette. "Was that ok then?" I asked. "Can I uh um talk to you over here for a moment?" Brian asked. I nodded and stood up with him, we went around the corner and the second we were out of view he smashed his lips onto mine.

"Woah!" my eyes widened. "You're fucking amazing." he told me. I smiled and blushed, what does this man do to me! "Thanks." I nodded. I went back in for another kiss and we made out. "KAYLEE!" Victoria gasped. "Sorry Vic, I've fallen for a Rollin Stone." I smiled and Brian chuckled.

 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞(𝐞𝐝) 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now