But Are Brian Jones' Supposed to Play With Trains?

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A/n: Another Brian imagine and yknow what I am not sorry about it 😌✌️
Another edit: holy shit this is super late and so much shit has happened since i started writing this 👀 i just want to tell you all to stay safe!! As much as you've been hearing that, i sincerely hope you're all doing well. And in your quarantine, here's an imagine that i finally finished ;) please enjoy! And please stay safe, angels!
You had recently been having a really tough time at work. You felt as though everything was crumbling and life was crushing you slowly. Quite specific, but you were just struggling to find time to do anything enjoyable.

Today you actually had the day off, the world must he ending...

As you were laying on the couch, watching the tv, lounging about, the phone rang. You sighed a little and sat up, pouting at the fact you actually had to get up.

Walking over lazily, you picked up the ringing device and spoke into it. "Ello?"
"ELLO LOVE!! got some time to chat!?" Mick practically screamed excitedly in the phone. "Put Brian on the bloody line..." you mumbled to the annoying singer.

"You're no fun, hmph." he sassily stated and handed it over to the blonde guitarist. Mick drove you up a fucking wall, he was chill at first but then grew some sort of toxic ego when the band got a little fame.

"Hello, you free gorgeous?" bri's little accent asked you. You chuckled a little, what a sweet talker he was...

"Mm, i got a mo' to spare i guess." you replied. "Ah well I'll be, come by my place i wanna show you somethin. It's very very important yknow, you must come immediately." he urged.

"I'm out the door as we speak." you told him. You heard him huff,"faster, this is major!!" he squeaked seriously. "im going, im going. Byeee." you hung up and smiled.

Going out into the rainy streets, umbrella in hand, you walked to his flat. It wasn't too far, and a walk now and again wouldn't hurt.

When you reached his front door, you went to knock but brian literally must have been sitting and peeking out the window like a child, just waiting for you to arrive. He threw the door open with a toothy smile on his face.

"YAAAY YOU'RE HERE!!" he cheered and pulled you inside.

Taking off your coat and putting the wet umbrella aside, you went to walk in. "Take your shoes off!! This isnt a farm you know!!" he scolded you.

"sorry mum." you slipped off your shoes and walked further inside. He blocked you from entering the living space. "dude.." you sighed, slightly agitated. "are you ready?" he questioned.

"sure bri." you shrugged. "i need your help though, that's why i wanted you to come over." he stepped out of the way.

You walked in to see a big trainset winding and zagging all over the room. He had started already and finished one, a little train tooting and chugging around and around the mini railway.

You smiled brightly, utterly entertained. "You are one fascinating little man brian jones. When did you even have the time to do all this!?"

He looked proud,"No time for questions my dear, let's get to work!" he took your hand once more and tugged you onto the floor with him.

Laughing, you started to help him assemble his toy train station. The both of you acting like conducters. This was the most fun you had in a while. Brian never ceased to add some sparkle to your life.

He had never grown up really. He always kept a part of his youth alive and he always made things fun and colorful.

But are Brian Jones' supposed to play with trains? The answer is..
of course you fool!! :))


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