Brian °2°

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I walked up to the house Brian and I had recently moved into together and unlocked the door. Since the house had a large yard and Brian would sometimes have to leave to go on tours and such, I asked him if we could get a pet, well, I really only wanted a dog.

Brian wasn't too thrilled about my idea, he said that I could get a fish or something, but no dog. Well, I had walked past a pet store today and saw the cutest little sheepdog puppies. When I stopped and looked at them all, one of them caught my eye. I decided to take that one home. Brian was going to murder me, but I would make sure to give her all the love and care she needed.

I held the little puppy close to me. "Hello?" I called out. "In here!" I heard Keith yell out. I smiled and shook my head, they always just invited themselves in. "Is Brian here?" I asked them from the entryway. "No, he left something at the studio and needed to go get it." Mick yelled back. Ok, coast was clear for now. "Alright, let's go my little love." I cooed to her. I walked into the living area. "So what were you-" Keith stopped. "You didn't." he looked from me to the the dog.

"I did!" I squealed. "Christ love, he's gonna murder you!" Mick shook his head. "It's not like he's going to just be taking care of her, I am." I hugged her close. "Got a name yet?" Bill asked me. "Lady." I smiled down at her. I heard the door open and close, I panicked. "I'm home my lovely!" I heard Brian shout.

He walked in,"How's my baby today?" he asked me. I was facing away from him,"Great, how's the album going love?" I tried to make casual conversation. "Can't I see that beautiful face of yours?" he asked. "Alright." I sighed. I slowly turned around to him. "I found a puppy." I innocently whispered.

"Can I see?" he asked me. A little smile spread across my face,"I named her Lady, do like that?" I handed her to him. "It's lovely." he smiled. "Hello you." he smiled down at her. "Your not mad then?" I looked at him. "No, she's quite cute actually." he held her close. I admired them both, I loved Brian, and we both loved our little Lady.

~I really enjoy writing these, so if you have any requests please let me know! Enjoy! :)~

 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞(𝐞𝐝) 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now