°Brian 14°

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A/n: idk whyyy but Brian gives me like strong "chill ass uncle" vibes and I was like w e l p Brian being a cool ass uncle imagine then bahahhah idek anymore.. Anyway, enjoy hippies, love yaa ✌
~ps. This is gonna be a long one, so yall can strap on in and enjoy the riiide
"Well what am I going to do with her!?" she huffed at him. "What about your parents?" he questioned. "Yeah, cause my parents just love children, good idea." she scoffed. "Well what go you want me to do barb, the kid doesn't even like me!?" he threw his arms up in anger.

I was listening into the whole conversation, you could just feel the love, couldn't you... mum and her boyfriend couldn't handle me and my four year old ways anymore and were trying to find someone who they could dump me with. I voted at the toy store but...

"What about your brother? He's got cash, he could hire someone to chase her around and stuff?" she laughed,"My brother has about seventy other children running around with his name, their mothers have to chase him around to get him to pay for them. He's a druggie too, always drinking and getting high and all that. We don't talk to him anymore, he's simply vanished from my parent's cares." she chuckled.

"Well, he's out last option. She's a fiesty one, maybe they'll get along together." he shrugged. She sighed,"I guess I'll give 'im a call then, here goes nothin." she walked over to the contact book she had and found his number, dialing it and waiting while it rang.

I had always been very interested in uncle Brian, I'd never met him, we were banished from speaking about him in front of my grandparents, more like ungrandparents, I hated them. I'd found a picture of him tucked away in my "grandma's" drawer that I pulled everything out of and I asked about him, getting a stern talking to that I ignored.

I held onto the picture secretly and always wished that I could get to meet him. I knew his name was Brian, Brian Jones. He had really blonde hair, just like mine, and played in a band, a rock and roll band.

"Uh Brian? Yes it's me, I have a favor to ask you... mhm... yes it's my daughter, Kaylee, she uh.. well it's just too much right now and it's either you, or a home. That's right... four... really? Ok then, thank you. Bye." she hung up.

"He'll take her! We have to go catch her! Go get her things and I'll get her together. He's sending a car, I can't believe it, finally!" she smiled.

A few boring and irratating moments later:

"Get in the car you fuckin thing!" he groaned and fought with me. I giggled and kicked him one last time, finally crawling into the vehicle and hugging onto my small backpack. "Uh well bye now." my mum closed the door and it drove off. I looked out the window, this was a really nice car, it was all shiny and the seats were comfortable.

Wait... but what if uncle Brian was even more mean than mum and her boyfriend? What if he wanted me just so he could be terrible and make me feel scared and upset all the time?! No.. he wouldn't be like that, he seemed more laid back and funny on the telly... until mum immediately turned it off like two minutes into the interview.

I sighed, the neighborhood seemed nice, not stuffy and small, but full of a touch of color that my old home very much lacked.

"You'll like Mr. Jones, he's a nice lad, likes children and is pretty funny. You don't have a thing to worry about love." his driver told me. I simply nodded with a little smile and played with the zipper on my bag.

We arrived and I was feeling a tad nervous. The driver got out and went to the door, giving it a knock while I waited in the car. A young blonde woman answered and looked to the car with a grin, shouting to someone inside and sprinting toward me, soon a bunch of other people eagerly coming out and grinning. I was confused and a little scared. None of these people seemed to be him, all darker haired men and bright haired ladies.

One of the ladies opened the door and cheesed at me. "OH MY HEAVENS, YOU LOOK JUST LIKE HIM, AWWWW!" she gushed. "Lemme see, lemme see!" a dark haired man, with ears that stuck out, pushed a rather thin, big lipped man with chestnut hair out of the way. "Watch it Keith, or we'll ship you off to your uncle!" he frowned.

"Hello doll! Wow, she looks just like him, trippy..." he observed. "Alright now! Everyone move it, that's right you Bill, move it!" another man shouted. The others frowned and cleared away back into the flat.

And there he was, shining blonde hair, cool, simple clothes, and a pair of funky sunglasses shading his eyes. "Well you must be my little niece, look at you, very stylish, very pretty." he smiled.

"I picked it out all by myself!" I grinned. "You did!? I can tell, if it was up to my sister she'd put you in very silly dresses." he lightly chuckled. "I hate dresses!" I giggled. "Well you'll fit in just well with us, we're very funky clothed adults, though we don't act much like grown ups, we try." he joked. I smiled,"I like you uncle Brian, alot." I told him. He lifted me out and held my hand, taking my luggage and starting back to his flat.

"Thank you dear, you're a very groovy little lady yourself, your going to fit in just great here, I know it." he smiled.

A/n: hmm why do I kinda wanna make this into a series, yall I might make this into a book soo lemme know if ya enjoyed that wholesome shit, cause kinda leaning towards making it into a booook 😙✌️ Have a great 2020 my lovies, yall are amazing.

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