Brian °5°

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A/n: Ok well Brian is like my fav. and I got this idea for an imagine, so it's another Brian imagine folks. This has some violence, just a warning if you are not ok with this, but please enjoy and requests are open to anyone, thanks!

I had just gotten home from work and went to my apartment. I was so afraid that he would show up. I was in a very, very toxic relashionship with my boyfriend, Ian. I just was so afraid of him that I didn't have the courage to break it off, even though I was so terrified of him. The boys had no idea that he was abusive and violent, I hid it from everyone and just tried to put on my best smile.

I had plans to visit the rest at Brian's place at seven, but I needed to wash up and make sure that Ian wasn't coming over, he absolutely hated Brian and the rest, especially Brian. I had washed up and just finished applying my makeup when I heard the door open and violently slam. I felt like I stopped breathing and time completely stopped.

I quickly went out to the entrance to see  what Ian needed. "Hello love, can I help you with something?" I politely asked him. "Where are you going then?" he snarled. I could tell by his stance and speech that he was drunk. "Oh, I was just going to go out to dinner with some of my friends from work." I lied.

"No, you and I are going to have sex, now." he grabbed my wrist. "No Ian, I have plans, please let go." I desperately tried to pull away from him. "Don't fucking move bitch, you're going to have sex with me or I'll kill you!" he shouted. He started to slip a hand up my skirt and kiss my neck. I cringed and pushed him away.

"I'm going to kill you, you're dead!" he shouted. I cried and frantically tried to make a run to the door. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me back so hard I fell to the ground. He pulled out a switchblade and pierced it through my stomach, I screamed out in pain and gasped for air. He yanked me up and threw me against the wall, the wall that the mirror was on.

I felt little pieces of glinting glass, stab into my back and legs. "That'll teach you, you bitch." he snarled and scraped the knife down my leg. I screamed, and gasped for air, I could hardly breathe. He dropped the knife and left my apartment with a loud slam of the door.

I cried and cried, called for help, but I was so weak. I couldn't get up, I couldn't hardly speak. It was getting blurry, and I was so scared I was going to die on my kitchen floor. "She gave me a set of keys." I faintly heard a British voice state to someone. I heard the door unlock and my name being called out, Brian. Brian was here, they were all here. I was still gasping for breath, and a single tear ran down my cheek.

"Holy fuck!" I heard a voice exclaim. Someone ran over to my side. I gave a small smile when I noticed it was a blonde man with beautiful eyes. "Kaylee, stay with me love. Call the fucking ambulance or something!" he shouted to one of the guys. "I-I-Ian." I managed to get out. Brian grabbed my hand in his and held onto it, kissing it as a few tears ran down his cheeks.

"D-Don't c-c-cry l-love." I whispered. "It's going to be fine love, you're going to be fine, stay with us love. Keep breathing." he urgently tried to calm me. "h-h-ard B-B-Brian." I croaked. "S-sing." I attempted to smile, knowing that when Brian sang it was beautiful and instantly put me at ease. He started to sing one of the stones latest songs,"Lady Jane". I smiled as it became hard to keep my eyes open anymore. "Kaylee? Kaylee!" Brian squeezed my hand and cried. I was out, it all went black.

I slowly came to consciousness and blinked a few times, I was in a hospital room and I remembered that Ian had hurt me really bad and that Brian had came to my rescue. I took in a breath and saw that my leg and my abdomen area were wrapped up in bandages. I looked around the room and noticed that everyone was asleep. Brian was at my bedside, his hand delicately intertwined with mine.

His cheeks were tear stained and he looked miserable. I admired all their sleeping forms. "How could you all be sleeping, I'm the one that got fucking stabbed!" I shouted and smiled. Suddenly a bunch of eyes confusidly opened. "Sleepin on the fuckin job, hm?" I laughed. "You're alive!" Brian practically leapt on top of me and kissed me all over my face.

"What are you a fucking dog, layoff!" I laughed. "How are you love, I-I mean you got stabbed so that's probably shit but-" Mick stuttered. "I'm fine love, a little sore and all, but better." I patted his arm. "You're one tough chick love, I swear if I ever see that Ian bloke I'm going to kill him!" Keith angrily shouted. "I turned him in already." Brian quietly spoke up. "You did?" I felt my body relax and a few tears come to my eyes. "Thank you." I whispered and started to cry. Brian hugged me,"Do you remember what happened love?" he asked.

"Yes." I took a deep breath. "I had just finished getting ready to leave for your house and Ian had threw the door open and I walked out to see what he needed since I wasn't expecting him. I don't quite remember what he said, but he forced me to have sex with him. He was absolutely raging drunk, and started to- well, you know what he tried to do. And I pushed him away, and he didn't like that so when I ran for the door he yanked me back, stabbed me with his pocket blade, slammed me against the wall with my mirror, and when I was laying on the floor, suffering to breathe, he scraped his knife down my leg, then left." I finished my story.

The room was silent, taking in what I had just said,"But, can you help me into my sweater, it's bloody cold in here." I pointed to my sweater. Mick grabbed it and helped me into the clothing. "You're a mate, thanks." I smiled.

After a couple of days, I was able to go home, with the boys visiting me everyday of course, but Brian refused to let me live alone in my small apartment and insisted I moved in with him, he helped me pack up my things and I moved into his large flat in the nicer part of London. I felt so content, happy to have such good friends.

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